Alphabetical List By Name

EID Name Department(s) Title(s)
jea2238 Abrom, Joanne EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
ska2238 Akula, Shravan School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Instructor of Engineering
tma2234 Al Bayati, Tamarah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
sys954 Alabanza, Shannon School of Social Sciences and Professions Adjunct Faculty
laa2624 Alcoreza, Leo Athletics Head Coach Women's Soccer
daa665 Alderfer, Doug School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
eza2327 Alderfer, Liz School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
cda2232 Alger, Caleb Safety and Security Affiliate - Campus Security Officer
jha2223 Allen, Jody EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
alleyl Alley, Linda Emeriti Administrator Emerita
hba2226 Alsindi, Heja School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
rca2225 Altenburg, Robert EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
jfa352 Amstutz, Jim School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Adjunct Faculty
raa2473 Amstutz, Rebekah Business Office Accounts Receivable Assistant
benoith Anderson, Helen Emeriti Professor Emerita/Counseling
jga868 Anderson, Joy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Adjunct Faculty
tda2224 Anderson, Tempest School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Adjunct Faculty
jza3222 Andreas, Jonathan Adjunct Faculty
aza6526 Anwar, Amina School of Social Sciences and Professions
Early Learning Center
Director/Teacher - Early Learning Center
ta955 Aquil, Talibah CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding Adjunct Faculty
hza2467 Arimoto, Hillary School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
gza2354 Arthur, Gail School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Assistant Professor of Biology
assefah Assefa, Hizkias CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute Adjunct Faculty
augsburg Augsburger, Myron Emeriti President & Professor Emeritus
reb6249 Babcock, Rachel EMU at Lancaster Executive Assistant - Lancaster
ldb2224 Backues, Lindy School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Associate Professor of Business & Leadership
hzb2727 Bailey, Harold School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Adjunct Faculty
spb2235 Baker, Steve School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Adjunct Faculty
bargen Barge, Nathan Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
kdp2225 Barlet, Katelyn Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
stb2225 Barnard, Scott
cwb784 Barnes, Catherine School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty; Senior Lecturer - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
vpb2222 Barnes, Victoria Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Campus Ministries
mlb2278 Barrett, Michelle School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
gcb2234 Baugher, Glenn EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA
baumanj Bauman, Jennifer Student Life Executive Administrative Assistant
beachybs Beachy, Ben Adjunct Faculty
beachyk Beachy, Kirsten School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
EMU Core Curriculum
Language & Literature
Associate Professor of English; Program Director - EMU Core Curriculum
hzb2636 Beck, Hannah Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Counsselor
asb4644 Berg, Aric Marketing & Communications Project Manager, Marketing/Communications
bpb668 Bergey, Benjamin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Assistant Professor of Music
mmb2257 Bernal Dixon, Merly School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
deb6224 Berry III, David School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Bach Festival
Associate Professor of Music; Program Director - Music
lgb2236 Berryman, Lori EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
stambacm Bert, Carrie Athletics Director of Athletics
rzb3228 Bhagat, Ram School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
bitikojk Bitikofer, Janelle Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
bixlerb Bixler, Benjamin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Adjunct Faculty
gehmans Bixler, Sarah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Assistant Professor of Formation & Practical Theology; Associate Dean - Seminary
mab3665 Blackwood-Chirchir, Anne Seminary Affiliate - Seminary
jfb334 Blosser, Jesse School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor
pzb2379 Blosser, Perry School of Social Sciences and Professions
Preparatory Music
Affiliate Prep Music
rmr474 Blosser, Rachael School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
svb2226 Bogue, Sarah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Seminary - Instructional Technologist
bombergj Bomberger, Jim Emeriti Professor Emeritus/English
dcb2246 Boontarue, Dana Dining Hall Affiliate - Pioneer
ezb2824 Bowen, Elliot School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Administrative Assistant
bowserbw Bowser, Bonnie Academic Support
Circulation & Office Manager
bowsergh Bowser II, Henry School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Engineering Lab Technician
khb2224 Branner, Kaleb School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
djb348 Brennan, David School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
dmb3235 Brokenshire, Danese Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
jmb729 Brooks, Jauan Visual & Communication Arts Adjunct Faculty
mab3663 Brooks, Mikaela Athletics Head Coach Women's Lacrosse
anb3832 Brown, Lexi Admissions Undergraduate Senior Admissions Counselor
mab3659 Brown, Martha School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
mob2225 Brown, Mo School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
brownscs Brownscombe, Sandy Emeriti Professor Emerita/Phys Ed
brubakeb Brubaker, Beryl Emeriti Administrator Emerita
db252 Brubaker, David Emeriti Professor Emeritus
ezb2446 Brubaker, Everett Provost's Office Adjunct Faculty
brubakek Brubaker, Kenton Emeriti
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor Emeritus/Biology
rrb6223 Brubaker, Regina Business Office Cashier
bhb887 Brunk, Beth Academic Support
Registrar's Office
Registration Coordinator
brunkger Brunk, Gerald Emeriti Professor Emeritus/History
brunkg Brunk III, George Seminary Professor Emeritus/Seminary
mpb3574 Buchanan, Marjorie EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
mzb2239 Bucher, Matthew Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
jzb6677 Buckwalter, Jessica Athletics Assistant Coach Track & Field
pzb2568 Bunton, Peter EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
bb329 Burkholder, Brian Martin Student Life
Faith and Spiritual Life
University Chaplain
jzb4246 Burkholder, Johanna School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Assistant Professor of Accounting
lb976 Burkholder, Linda Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Program Coordinator
eab2837 Burns, Eleanor School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
alb4454 Butwell, Ann Curricular Support
Washington Community Scholars' Center
WCSC-Associate Director of Student Life and Program Administration
ahb753 Byler, Holden Information Technology Application Integration Engineer
mckinsey Byler, Jody School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
bylerme Byler, Myrrl Intercultural Studies Adjunct Faculty
emc2943 Callahan, Eileen EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
qbc2222 Callahan, Quinton School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
dac2858 Campbell, Darren Dining Hall Affiliate - Pioneer
dac829 Cardenas, Deb Lancaster RN to BS
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
jzc6588 Cardenas, Jim School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
jjc3426 Carey, Justin Athletics Head Men's Soccer Coach
kgc2225 Carini, Kevin School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Adjunct Faculty
wdc2225 Carr, Wendy School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing
cashmm Cash, Melody School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Doctor of Nursing Practice
cessnas Cessna, Stephen School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor of Chemistry
hzc2654 Chang, Hyo-jin School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - STAR Program
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Adjunct Faculty
rzc6344 Christens-Persaud, Rebekah EMU at Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
asc6335 Cincotta II, Anthony School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
akc378 Clark, Kate School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Public Health
Associate Professor of Nursing
adc987 Clemens, Angie School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Adjunct Faculty
jlc3467 Cline, Jennifer School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling
drc972 Clymer, Donald Emeriti Faculty Emeritus/Spanish
jec3378 Cobb, Jennifer Provost's Office Title IX Coordinator
szc6295 Colafranceschi, Stefano School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Associate Professor of Computer Science
jzc6557 Cole, Joe School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Associate Professor of Restorative Justice
kac2253 Coleman, Kate EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
lyc2222 Collins, Lisa CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute Adjunct Faculty
cgc336 Contreras, Carina Student Life Survivor Advocate
psc2359 Cook, Paul School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
jac2447 Cook PhD, Jacob School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Seminary Grant Program Director; Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics - Seminary
cooleycd Cooley, Charles School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Mathematics & Computer Science
Assistant Professor of Computer Science; Associate Director of Institutional Research - Institutional Research and Effectiveness
ecd2226 Coombe, Emily Marketing & Communications Social Media Manager
mlc5996 Cooper-White, Michael Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
jmc2235 Copeland, Jeffrey School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor of Biology
rac5999 Cornell, Ryan Marketing & Communications Senior Writer & Communications Manager
acc6364 Correa, Ana School of Social Sciences and Professions Administrative Assistant
cdc2246 Cortes, Chris Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance
coulterp Coulter, Phyllis Emeriti Professor Emerita/Education
cowless Cowles, Spencer Emeriti
Master of Business Administration
Professor Emeritus/Business
jmc638 Cox, Jim Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
fjc2224 Crane, Francesca Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
erc2743 Crawford, Erica Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Admin Assistant
bmc2629 Cunningham, Brandon School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing
bdc2782 Cunningham, Brent Adjunct Faculty
gjc358 Czyszczon, Greg School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling
dsilvam D'Silva, Alison School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Operations Manager
kkd2226 DaCosta, Kandace EMU at Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
ljd2224 Daily, Laura Advancement Division Director of Advancement Operations
dgd584 Daneker, Dan EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
mdd2649 Danner, Michael School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
akd2232 Davis, Anna School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
jmd3464 Davis, h EMU at Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
mmh477 Davis, Mary Admissions Undergraduate
Graduate & Professional Recruitment
Inquiry/Communications Coordiantor Admissions
jew3872 de Waal, Ellie School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Theater
jdd995 Deal, Joan School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
ajd2996 DeCaria, Alex EMU at Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
mnd496 Deibert, Melanie EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster RN to BS
Certified Nursing Assistant Program Coordinator
knd2572 Denisson, Kelly EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
dad226 Depoy, Donald School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
zzd2298 DePriest, Zandy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
vsd248 Derrow, Vanessa Student Life Health Information Management Coordinator
kbd794 Derstine, Katie Academic Support
Financial Assistance
Registrar's Office
Student Services and Records Coordinator
derstine Derstine, Kenton School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Faculty Emeritus/Seminary
ezd2773 des-Bordes, Emmanuel School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
desancti DeSanctis, Ingrid School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
kjd2639 Dickinson, Kyle Athletics Associate Head Track & Field Coach
bmd2627 Diehl, Blaire Athletics Women's Softball Assistant Coach
dld829 DiGennaro, Debbi School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Instructor of Social Work
pdf2222 Ditzel Facci, Paula School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Assistant Professor of Peacebuilding; Academic Program Director - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
jsd636 Docherty, Jayne Emeriti Professor Emerita
kgt2225 Dolieslager, Katie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Adjunct Faculty
bzd2589 Domangue, Brinton School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Lab Technician
nad2365 Doughty, Natalie School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
sd877 Dove, Shannon School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theater Technical Director
nas997 Dovel, Nikki Student Life Lead Counselor
pjd2277 Dressler, Pam School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adjunct Faculty
pcd235 Driediger, Penny School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Assistant Professor of the Practice of Supervised Ministry
pd767 Dula, Peter School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Professor of Religion & Culture
rcd2225 Dunn, Chase School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
rjd2564 Durbin, Ryan Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
dd983 Durham, Deanna School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Intercultural Studies
Associate Professor of Social Work & Sociology; Program Director - Social Work
vd928 Dutcher, Violet
szd5986 Dycus, Shannon Student Life Vice President for Student Affairs, Equity, and Belonging
me437 Eads, Marti School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Professor of English
jce2226 Earles, James Athletics Assistant Baseball Coach
eckardp Eckard, Patty School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Graduate Business & Leadership
Office Coordinator
lke338 Edwards, Linda Adjunct Faculty
enedyd Enedy, Diana Emeriti Faculty Emerita/English
englej Engle, Jim Emeriti Professor Emeritus/OT
rde755 Eshleman-Robles, Ryan School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
gae2222 Estes Jr, Geoffray Adjunct Faculty
dfe2222 Evans, David School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Professor of History & Intercultural Studies; Program Director - Theology & Religion
kze2393 Evans, Kathy School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Professor of Teacher Education; Program Director - Education
sde643 Eyre, Scott Student Life Director for Campus Life
failess Failes, Stephanie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Affiliate - GTE Instructor
djb352 Farrar, Diane School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Science Center Office Coordinator
ras762 Farrell, Rachel Student Life Counseling Services Office Coordinator
fastbp Fast, Barbara Emeriti Professor Emerita/Art
fastjw Fast, John Emeriti Faculty Emeritus/Music
mtf757 Felix Garcia, Melvin Athletics Head Men's Basketball Coach
fennimr Fennimore, Rob School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
hzt2246 Ferguson, Hannah School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing
lzf2596 Fertig, Lindsey School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
fisherkd Fisher, Kathy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
caf2573 Fleming, Carol Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Campus Visit Coordinator
jzf6374 Flores, Jimmie EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
lmf2588 Forster, Larry Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
azf6353 Fowkes, Andy EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
wtl2224 Franzosa, William Information Technology Endpoint Systems Analyst
mjf743 Fretz, Mark School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
mlf2738 Frey, Michael Information Technology Systems Engineer
skf2232 Fries, Stephen Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
reinhold Furr, Margaret Adjunct Faculty
clf2553 Fusco, Chris Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance Lead
hlg2222 Galang, Heather School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
skg725 Gant, Sarah Information Technology Endpoint Systems Administrator
rsg2225 Garrity, Bob School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
sag753 George, Somer Graduate Counseling Adjunct Faculty
gerlachj Gerlach, Jason School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
azg6544 Gianni, Adrian School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
shg857 Gibbs Jr, Stephen Information Technology Associate Director of User Services
aag2233 Gillespie, Amy Master of Science in Nursing Adjunct Faculty
esg2226 Gingerich, Ericka School of Social Sciences and Professions
Education Placement & Assessment Coordinator
brennkg Gingerich Brenneman, Kim Emeriti
Professor Emerita/Psychology
gingrich Gingrich, Chris Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Business
ejg989 Girvan, Elizabeth Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
glicke Glick, Ervie Emeriti Professor Emeritus/German
gnageyl Gnagey, Linda Emeriti
bdg525 Good, Beth School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
rmg2523 Good, Ryan Curricular Support
Washington Community Scholars' Center
Associate Professor of Urban Studies; Program Director - Washington Community Scholars' Center
alg2263 Goodell, Alex Preparatory Music Affiliate - Prep Music
tzg2457 Goss, Tyler Student Life Director for Student Engagement and Leadership Development
neufeldd Graber Neufeld, Doug School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor of Biology
jzs3368 Greenawalt, Joanna Graduate & Professional Recruitment Recriutment Specialist
seg2245 Grinnan, Shannon Dining Hall Affiliate - Pioneer
sag2248 Grossnickle-Batterton, Stephanie EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
bzg6289 Guerrero, Benjamin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Assistant Professor of Music
cag2988 Guerrero, Cassie Advancement Division Gifts Receipting Coordinator
guslercm Gusler, Chad School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Associate Professor of Language & Literature
cdg582 Gusler, Cyndi School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Professor of Art
rzh2639 Hagi, Randi Marketing & Communications Affilliate - Marketing/Comm
csh3597 Hale, Christopher Adjunct Faculty
keh2637 Hall, Kim School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Instructor of Psychology
smb645 Halteman, Sara Institutional Research and Effectiveness Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness
jzh3998 Halterman, Julia School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty; Senior Lecturer - Biomedicine
ch436 Hammond, Cheree School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Professor of Counseling
azh6644 Hanson, Aram School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
crh675 Harman, Christina Business Office Controller
mdh3473 Harris, Marilyn School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
cmh2893 Harrison, Casey Business Office Business Office Clerk
czh6386 Harrison, Christina Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Director of Intercultural Programs
hartb Hart, Barry CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
School of Social Sciences and Professions
Professor Emeritus/CJP
teh459 Hartlaub, Tami Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
dhh2225 Hartmann, Dave EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
springer Hartsell, Amy President's Office Executive Advisor to the President
ich2226 Haseloff, Iris School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
vxh2222 Haskins, Victor School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
jph6526 Hasselback III, John School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
toh2222 Heal, Thomas Preparatory Music Affiliate - Prep Music
mlh2266 Heatwole, Melissa Graduate & Professional Recruitment Professional Education Specialist
mah235 Heck, Monica School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing
ceh364 Heckman, Chuck School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Adjunct Faculty
evh2234 Heilbronner, Liz Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
heiseyn Heisey, Nancy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Prof Emerita/BibStudies&ChHist
helmutln Helmuth, Les Bach Festival Affiliate - BACH Festival Consultant
rgh2226 Hepler, Bob Athletics Director of Cross Country and Track & Field
kauffmrj Herr, Rachel School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Office Coordinator
herrhj Herr Stravers, Holly School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Nursing
reh2233 Herrick, Rachel School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Theater
hershbea Hershberger, Ann Emeriti Professor Emerita/Nursing
dfh826 Hertzler, Dolores School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Nursing Administrative Coordinator
jch2242 Hess, Joseph Master of Science in Nursing Adjunct Faculty
jdh694 Hiett, Judy School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Instructor of Nursing
mkh2243 Hinton, Melissa School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
czh2852 Holsapple, Caitlin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Administrative Assistant
jlh2257 Holsinger, Jenni School of Social Sciences and Professions
Associate Professor of Sociology; Program Director - Sociology; Program Directory - Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies
holsoppj Holsopple, Jerry School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Professor of Visual & Communication Arts
cjh5983 Honsinger, Connie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Trauma & Resilience in Healthcare Settings
Adjunct Faculty
bnh2953 Hook, Brittany Counseling Services Affiliate - Counseling Services Graduate Intern
bph378 Hoover, Braydon Enrollment Vice President for Enrollment
czh2463 Hoover, Christa School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate Prep Music
ham549 Hoover, Heidi School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
chs3758 Hoover Seidel, Christi Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
jzh4388 Horsley, Jacob Admissions Undergraduate Senior Admissions Counselor
mlh635 Horst, Michael School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling; Program Director - Graduate Counseling; Program Directory - Psychology
horstre Horst, Ray Emeriti Faculty Emeritus/Spanish
sds859 Horst, Simone Academic Support
Librarian-Menno Simons Historical Library
rph543 Hostetler, Bob Emeriti Assoc Prof Emeritus of Math
jlh684 Hostetler, Jessica Enrollment Administrative Assistant
seh2227 Hostetler, Suzanne Academic Support
Retention & Advising
Coach-Link Coach
jmh237 Hostetter, Janet School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Assistant Professor of Music; Director - Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
hought Hough, Tracy EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
dsh2976 House, Daniel Information Technology Educational Technology Engineer
kah6472 Howard, Kathryn School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Assistant Professor of Psychology
tch2978 Hoyos, Thalia Athletics Assistant Volleyball Coach
odh2289 Hoyos Aliff, Omar Athletics Head Men's Volleyball Coach
cmh258 Hudson, Cindy Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
mth2237 Hummer, Matthew EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
kdh682 Humphries, Kevin School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
cgn766 Hurst, Carol School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Associate Professor of Social Work
dlh886 Hurst, Diane Adjunct Faculty
zmh277 Hurst, Zach EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA
jmh488 Hutchins, Julie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
amh6427 Hutchison, Amanda School of Social Sciences and Professions Adjunct Faculty
bji2257 Incheck, Brian School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
whi2223 Ingham, William Adjunct Faculty
bdi2225 Isernhagen, Brett School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
tnj2623 Jackson, Tamika School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Assistant Professor of Counseling
tij2222 Jackson, Thaddeus School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
dcd2626 Janow, Donielle School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Adjunct Faculty
jantziv Jantzi, Vernon CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding Faculty Emeritus/CJP
jj967 Janzen, J Melvin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
IEP Tutor, Pastor & Chaplain
jdj695 Jenner, Jonathan CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute Affiliate SPI Instructor
slj2227 Jensen, Stephanie Graduate & Professional Recruitment Recruitment Specialist
lmj2233 Jodrey, Lindsey School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Seminary - Learning Experience Design
czc6349 Johnson, Cherelle School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty; Lecturer - Business & Leadership
cmj336 Johnson, Chris School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
lej2224 Johnson, Lacey School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Instructor of Mathematics
sdj862 Johnson, Steven School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Professor of Visual & Communication Arts
sjj2779 Johnston, Sam School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Instructor of Nursing
jlj6228 Jones, Jen Provost's Office Executive Assistant to Provost
trj2443 Jones, Todd Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Grounds Supervisor
kdj2437 Jones-Mitchell, Shea Advancement Division Advancement Coordinator
ccj953 Joyner, Courtney School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Assistant Professor of Formation
dzk2795 Kassem, Dima Curricular Support
Washington Community Scholars' Center
Associate Director of Communications & Recruitment
kauffgm Kauffman, Glenn Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Chemistry
jzk5969 Kauffman, Jeremy Adjunct Faculty
yoderkri Kauffman, Kristin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
nlk278 Kauffman, Nathan School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
rjk579 Kauffman, Rebecca School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
jbk562 Kaufmann, Jennifer EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
nak2227 Kee, Nicholas Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Custodial Supervisor
gak2225 Keim, Greg Adjunct Faculty
wek2223 Kellogg, Wendy Lancaster General Education Recruitment & Enrollment Specialist - Lancaster PA
jek2242 Kennel, Jill School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
kzk5985 Kennel, Kathryn School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor
mzm2732 Keplinger, Megan School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Admin Asst for Social Work
sak2666 Ketchum, Sarah Counseling Services Resident in Counseling
akk3393 Khalsa, Atma Student Life Area Coordinator
mzk6437 Khasawneh, Mazin Adjunct Faculty
jek2235 Kim, Ji Eun School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Associate Professor of Political Science
shk2869 Kim, Sinae School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
zzk2272 Kinder, Wynne Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
azk3347 King, Adam Graduate & Professional Recruitment Recruitment Specialist
cak2245 King, Christopher Preparatory Music Affiliate Prep Music
dak2227 King, Daniel School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Associate Professor of Engineering; Program Director - Engineering
dak529 King, Dave School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
hmb972 King, Heidi School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
kingra King, Ryan School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
kinggra King-Grosh, Ann Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
csk2226 Kirby, Carolyn School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Instructor of Nursing
bnk2225 Kirkland, Brandi School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Seminary
ezk2642 Kirkton, Lizzy Auxiliary Services Events & Operations Coordinator
slk369 Kiser, Shannon School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
tlk326 Kishbaugh, Tara School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Dean - School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing; Professor of Chemistry
ack972 Knorr, Amy School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Practice Director
lmr324 Kolb, Lindsey Media Specialist
mpk2225 Kori, Mary Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian
nmk293 Krall, Naomi Emeriti Professor Emerita/Education
krauset Krause, Tammy School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
chk2222 Kreider, Carlin Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Campus Ministries
gdk2294 Kreider, Gabriel Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Campus Ministries
jck2229 Kreider, Joy Psychology
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Temp Faculty Asst- G. Rhodes
bowmanlb Kreider, Lois Emeriti Faculty Emerita/Library
jzk6368 Kulju, Jen Marketing & Communications Director of Marketing & Communications
jfl442 L'Heureux, Jody Master of Science in Nursing Adjunct Faculty
mzl6225 Ladd, Mackenzie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
dml646 Lam, Denise History & Political Science Adjunct Faculty
lml2227 Lam, Lindsay School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Music
sdl2223 Landis, Stephanie Business Office Mail Service Clerk
lnc2233 Landram, Lisa EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
lappj Lapp, Joseph Emeriti President Emeritus
nal2223 Larkin, Nadine EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
sjg568 Larson, Sam School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Seminary - Teaching Assistant
jml339 Leaman, Jim School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Associate Professor of Business; Program Director - Business & Leadership; Program Directory - Graduate Business & Leadership
leapr Leap, Renee Financial Assistance Associate Director of Financial Assistance
pwl2264 Ledgerwood, Philip School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Adjunct Faculty
jzl6235 Lee, Jaylon Athletics Affiliate - Volunteer - Baseball
jzl6245 Lee, Joohyun School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Associate Professor of Recreation Leadership
lehmanb Lehman, Bradley School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
CJP Tech Support
lehmangr Lehman, Galen Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Psychology
lehmanwr Lehman, Wilmer Emeriti Faculty Emeritus/Mathematics
azl6436 Lehrke, Alyse Adjunct Faculty
sml725 Lepley, Dr. Lepley Health Services Affiliate
lzh6362 Li, Hongtao School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Assistant Professor of Biology
eul2222 Lim, Elaine School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate Prep Music
cgl2225 Linkmeyer, Clinton School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
lzm2855 Litwiller, Luke Admissions Undergraduate Director of Undergraduate Admissions
nzl2435 Litwiller, Nicole Advancement Division Annual Giving & Donor Communication Specialist
akl2648 Livingston, Annalise Student Life Project Coordinator - Royal RISE
jwl749 Lohr, Jody Information Technology Educational Technology Analyst
kll774 Long, Kris School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
IEP Office Coordinator
smeltzed Longacher Smeltzer, Deirdre Affiliate Research Professor
kml2228 Loose, Kristen Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
yl673 Lopez, Yeimarie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Adjunct Faculty
ml762 Lorcas, Maria School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
jgl2234 LoVecchio, Joe EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
eml2227 Lowe Jr, Edward Athletics Affiliate - Athletics
hzm2438 Mack-Boll, Hannah School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
lm823 Mackey, Lynne Bach Festival Affiliate - BACH Festival
hmm2238 Madden, Haiden School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
mxm6267 Madrid, Xiomara School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Spanish Conversation Partner
kam6439 Maher, Katie Athletics Women's Assistant Soccer Coach
jzm6752 Mak, Jamie Academic Support Assistant VP of Academic & Program Growth
hmm2247 Manley, Heather Adjunct Faculty
kmm2222 Mansfield, Katie School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Affiliate - STAR Trainer
cbm794 Martell, Carrie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
dem554 Martin, David EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Director Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
jam6598 Martin, Jason EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
lem522 Martin, Lindsay
nrm2237 Martin, Naomi Financial Assistance Financial Aid Counselor
nbm757 Martin, Nils EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
trm6439 Martin, Troy Financial Assistance Director of Financial Assistance
wsm2224 Martin, Wayne Safety and Security Coordinator of Campus Safety
szm3353 Mason, Stephanie Human Resources Director of Human Resources
gb638 Mast, Gerald School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
ezm6469 Mast, Jane School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor
mastj Mast, Joe Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Mathematics
mmm456 Mast, Marcelo School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Affiliate Dual Enrollment Teacher PA
mastmm Mast, Melody School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
mastre Mast, Roger School of Social Sciences and Professions
Health & Physical Education
Associate Professor of Physical Education; Program Director - Health & Physical Education
sln882 Mathias, Susan Human Resources Generalist III
rmm2238 May, Bob Adjunct Faculty
mzm6694 May, Melissa School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
tts584 May, Tammy School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
sam6252 McAvoy, Scott School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
lam3294 McClendon, Lesley School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
jm542 McCurdy Jr, JD Athletics Head Softball Coach
mzm3886 McGuigan, Macson Marketing & Communications Visual Media Manager
pm532 McHugh, Peggy EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
jlm4696 McIlwee, Justin Athletics Athletic Communications Director
szm6567 McKenna, Sharon School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
jem2269 McMillen, Jodie Master of Science in Nursing Adjunct Faculty
jdm2246 McRay, Jonathan Curricular Support
EMU Core Curriculum
Adjunct Faculty
medley Medley, Mike Emeriti Professor Emeritus/English
mellinac Mellinger, Clair Emeriti
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor Emeritus/Biology
gfm2222 Metz, Georgia Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
sam6274 Metz, Sydney Athletics Field Hockey Head Coach
mzm6684 Metzger, Madalyn School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
rmm6427 Meyer, Becky Adjunct Faculty
millerad Miller, Andrew Graduate Business & Leadership Adjunct Faculty
bzm2242 Miller, Brocklyn Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
cnm2229 Miller, Carmen EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster RN to BS
Adjunct Faculty
millere Miller, Elroy Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Social Work
jmm6456 Miller, Jany Adjunct Faculty
ezm2985 Miller, Liz Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
millerrj Miller, Roman School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor Emeritus/Biology
millerwj Miller, Wendy Seminary Faculty Emerita/Seminary
nzm2228 Milton, Nate EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
azm3975 Mitchell, Alex School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
phm2224 Mollenkof, Peter Lancaster General Education Adjunct Faculty
wpm2227 Moncure, Billy Counseling Services
Student Life
Affiliate - Counseling Dept. - Practicum Student
hzm2637 Moore, Hilary School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
mbh882 Moore, MaryBeth School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Interim Seminary Chaplain
kdm6365 Moreland, Kim Safety and Security Affiliate - Campus Security Officer
szm6293 Morgan, Sidney School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Adjunct Faculty
jtm4843 Morris, Jack School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
dmm2834 Morrison, David Admissions Undergraduate
Graduate & Professional Recruitment
Inquiry/Communications Processor Admissions
azm4578 Moscoso, Alison School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - Spiritual Direction
km945 Mturi, Kajungu School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Adjunct Faculty
drm2233 Mullens, Deborah Human Resources Human Resources Assistant
mulletjh Mullet, Judy Curricular Support
Honors Program
Professor Emerita/Psychology
kam3593 Murray, Krista Admissions Undergraduate Recruitment Database Manager
nafzigkj Nafziger, Ken Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Music
kln392 Nafziger, Ken L. Emeriti Administrator Emeritus
mzn2725 Nascimento dos Santos, Maria School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
mtn951 Nation, Mark Thiessen Emeriti
Professor Emeritus/Seminary
rln2424 Needham, Rebecca School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
rdn2223 Neil, Dawn Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator
cdn2226 Nelson, Carolyn School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
san2225 Nelson, Stephen School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
lan2225 Nieves Jr, Lou Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
ccn478 Norment, Christy School of Social Sciences and Professions Adjunct Faculty
ebn327 North, Emily School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Administrative Assistant
mzn2243 Nyce, Matt School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
dmn2225 Nyiringabo, David School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Adjunct Faculty
kho2223 O'Meara, Kristina School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
smo2226 Obeck, Sam Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
sao2233 Olejniczak, Sarah Provost's Office Title IX Coordinator
sao568 Olnick, Sage Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
mco2226 Oosthuizen, Mateam Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
otm2295 Oosthuizen, Olivia Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
kko2222 Orlando, Kathy EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
djo2223 Ott, Daniel School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
School of Social Sciences and Professions
Dean - School of Social Sciences and Professions; Dean - School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts; Program Director - Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster; Program Directory - Liberal Arts; Professor of Theology & Religious Studies
cfo496 Overacker, Carleen Athletics Administrative Assistant
do565 Owusu-Ansah, David History & Political Science Adjunct Faculty
tzo2276 Oyer, Trevor Athletics Affiliate - Disc Golf Coach
sep2243 Pace, Sarah School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
Administrative Assistant
jqp2222 Padilla, Jeremiah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
slp2592 Padilla, Sarah Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian
slp2594 Padilla, Sarah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
ekp2226 Palmer, Kent Information Technology SIS Database Analyst
mnp496 Parakuo, Mary Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian
dp268 Pardini, Debra School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Seminary Administrative Assistant
gjp2223 Pathania, Gaurav School of Social Sciences and Professions
Assistant Professor of Sociology & Peacebuilding
hp974 Peckruhn, Heike School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
jfp6448 Pescatore, John School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Associate Professor of Engineering
azp3287 Petrokonis, Andrea Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
jdp6426 Phillips, Jennifer School of Social Sciences and Professions
Early Learning Center
Assistant Teacher - 2-Day Class
kcp2222 Phillips, Kimberly Academic Support
Career Services
Director of Career Services
sep2244 Phillips, Sarah School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Adjunct Faculty
phillipa Phillips, Tu Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg Adjunct Faculty
piperj Piper, Jenni Information Technology Director of Information Technology
piperr Piper, Ron Emeriti Administrator Emeritus
gwp2375 Polhill III, Bill Adjunct Faculty
vop2222 Polishchuk, Victoria Preparatory Music Affiliate - Prep Music
mbp2233 Pontes, Megan School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
ajp2246 Poole, Amanda Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
jzp3263 Poole, Justin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Associate Professor of Theater; Program Director - Theater
azp2776 Posey, Adam Athletics Head Baseball Coach
jzl2675 Posey, Jenny Athletics Head Women's Basketball Coach
dep6289 Postlethwait, Danny School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
sdp6396 Powell, Stephanie School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible
kp474 Pranis, Kay CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding Adjunct Faculty
kel797 Prock, Katie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
cdp2233 Pruett, Dave Adjunct Faculty
mjp298 Pusey, Marcia Emeriti
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Faculty Emerita
lzp2728 Pyle, Lori School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
dpq2223 Quirk, Denis Lancaster General Education Adjunct Faculty
jtr2234 Raff, Jeremy Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
ser575 Ramer, Shawn VP for Finance Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Finance
bpr2229 Ramirez, Bryan Counseling Services Affiliate - Counseling Services Graduate Intern
apr2228 Ramirez Trujillo, Alma School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
wzr2334 Ranasinghe, Wima School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
IEP Tutor
cnr2227 Randolph, Christopher Advancement Division Regional Advancement Director
jsr2242 Rashid, Jonny Seminary Affiliate - Seminary
mmr2243 Ray, Martha School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Adjunct Faculty
twr6298 Reardon, Timothy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Assistant Professor of New Testament
drr2228 Reed, Deanna Advancement Division Director of Alumni Engagement and Community Connections
kcr848 Reichard, Karen School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Adjunct Faculty
ehr2222 Reiter, Eileen EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
kzr2372 Remnant, Kyle School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Assistant Professor of Music
par265 Ressler, Phyllis EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
err2685 Ressler Horst, Ella School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
tdr2673 Rhim, Towahna Lancaster General Education
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
rhodesg Rhodes, Gloria School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Professor of Conflict Studies
dlr2794 Richards, Deserae School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
riddlec Riddle, Chris Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
mdr285 Riddle, Melody Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
pwr2224 Riley, Patrick Dining Hall Affiliate - Pioneer
clr947 Rittenhouse, Cathy School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Associate Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Master of Science in Nursing
jjr2228 Robbins, Jonathan EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA
kwr2223 Roberts, Kyle Safety and Security Affiliate - Campus Security Officer
lzc6246 Roberts, Lydia School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
dar2249 Robey, David Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Director of Facilities Management
szr2778 Roby, Stephanie Athletics Athletic Trainer
njr2225 Rodriguez, Nancy Health Services Health Service Coordinator
mmr866 Rogers, Mark School of Social Sciences and Professions Adjunct Faculty
oir2223 Rominiyi, Olivia School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
rothmar Roth, Mary EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
crr693 Rowe, Carmen Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
rwr2224 Ruleman, Robin School of Social Sciences and Professions
Business & Leadership
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
rushdm Rush, Dave School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Adjunct Faculty
hwr2223 Rusher, Holly School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
mrr829 Ruth, Matt Admissions Undergraduate
Director of Enrollment Operations
ruttj Rutt, Jack Emeriti Administrator Emeritus
aks4887 Safran, Aniko Visual & Communication Arts Adjunct Faculty
dls2257 Salli, Danilo Counseling Services Affiliate - Counseling Services
jds5384 Samsoe, Jeremy School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Director of IEP
ljs2236 Sauder, Lisa EMU at Lancaster Associate Registrar
mms326 Sawin, Mark Metzler School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Honors Program
History & Political Science
Professor of History; Director - Honors Program; Program Director - History & Political Science
kzs6538 Schaeffer, Kory School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Director of Programs
kds273 Schmidt, Kimberly Emeriti
School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Faculty Emerita
kls3969 Schmidt, Kristopher School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Associate Professor of Biology; Program Director - Biomedicine
zzs2353 Schrock-Hurst, Caleb School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
szb3242 Schrock-Hurst, Stephanie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
smh2246 Schultz Huxman, Dr. Susan President's Office President
les6426 Schupner, Lauren School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Adjunct Faculty
ks323 Seidel, Kevin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Professor of English; Program Director - Language & Literature
tzs2828 Seidel, Timothy School of Social Sciences and Professions
Center for Interfaith Engagement
Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies
Associate Professor of Community & International Development
ezr2463 Servant, Emily Seminary Adjunct Faculty
jms737 Shank, Julie Academic Support
Academic Success Center
ASC and Writing Program Assistant
shankw Shank, Wendell School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Instructor of Spanish
ars6727 Shank Zehr, Adrian School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Affiliate - BACH Festival and Music Gala
kis274 Shank Zehr, Kris School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Adjunct Faculty
yas2222 Shapovalov, Yelisey Institutional Research and Effectiveness Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
cas2269 Sharp, Chris EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
czs3443 Shell, Crixell School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Affiliate - SPI Instructor
mds2252 Shelley, Michael EMU at Lancaster
Information Technology
Educational Technology Analyst
szs6642 Shelton, Shelby Adjunct Faculty
shenkaj Shenk, Audrey Academic Support
Systems Librarian
shenkp Shenk, Peggy Emeriti Administrator Emerita
sls398 Shenk, Selah Business Office Student Finance Manager
sgs2243 Sherzad, Selena Academic Support
Student Life
Coach-Link Coach
hms5983 Shirkey, Heathr School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Adjunct Faculty
kls765 Shisler, Kirk Advancement Division Vice President for Advancement
djs3577 Shober, Darla EMU at Lancaster Business Operations Specialist
sas2256 Shock, Steffany School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate Prep Music
showalda Showalter, Daniel School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Mathematics & Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mathematics; Program Director - Mathematics & Computer Science
reyesm Showalter, M Esther School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Instructor of Spanish Language & Hispanic Studies; Program Director - Language & Literature
showaltm Showalter, Millard Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Mathematics
showalva Showalter, Virginia School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
kellerm Shristi, Micah Student Life
International Student Services
Director of International Student Services
hzs2494 Shultz, Hannah School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Preparatory Music
Adjunct Faculty
rms2227 Shultz, Ron School of Social Sciences and Professions
Associate Professor of Elementary Education
jws2249 Sibole Jr, John EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
ms826 Siderhurst, Matthew School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Affiliate Research Professor of Chemistry
cls3375 Simmons, Christina Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster Adjunct Faculty
ps459 Simmons, Priscilla Lancaster RN to BS
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Faculty Emerita/Nursing
cs858 Smeltzer Erb, Cathy Provost's Office
Academic Success Center
Professor of Teacher Education; Director - Academic Success Center
ads2246 Smiley, Aundrea School of Social Sciences and Professions
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
ics2222 Smith, Ian Athletics Staff Athletic Trainer
ks969 Smith, Kathy School of Social Sciences and Professions
Operations and Finance Director
mzs3827 Smith, Markeith Safety and Security Affiliate - Campus Security Officer
grs764 Smith Jr, Buck Athletics Associate Athletics Director of Operations
mrs735 Snyder, Raluca EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
jzs6768 Sochacki, James Adjunct Faculty
azs6387 Spotts, Angie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Health & Physical Education
EMU Core Curriculum
Instructor of Health & Physical Education
sprungms Sprunger, Mary School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Professor of History
tbs2225 Stanley, Tyler Student Life Area Coordinator for Campus Life
bas995 Stauffer, Bev School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
cjs989 Stauffer, Carolyn School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Graduate Business & Leadership
Adjunct Faculty
gzs2376 Stauffer, Graham Advancement Division Data Analytics Coordinator and Prospect Research Analyst
rls543 Stees, Rhonda School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Preparatory Music
Affiliate - Prep Music
zrs2438 Steffy, Richard EMU at Lancaster
Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
cbs2233 Steinbrecher, Casey Athletics Head Women's Volleyball Coach
steinerd Steiner, Don EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Professor Emeritus
bes3295 Steller, Bridget School of Social Sciences and Professions
Early Learning Center
Director/Teacher Early Learning Center
mts3688 Stellwag, Mike Facilities Management Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance Supervisor
els939 Stenson, Esther School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
jms5528 Stephens, Jacob School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Intensive English Program
Adjunct Faculty
ams6882 Stoddard, Andrew Athletics Athletic Communications Director
stoltzeb Stoltzfus, Edward Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Theology
sbj657 Stoneberger, Staci Adjunct Faculty
cms2242 Stover, Catherine EMU at Lancaster Associate Director Marketing & Communication, Lancaster
jzs6789 Stover, Julian Athletics Assistant Coach - Men's Basketball
bhs2227 Strawderman, Brent Athletics Assistant Baseball Coach
jfs2232 Strawderman, Jessica Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
tls2239 Stuckey, Tom Adjunct Faculty
stutzmal Stutzman, Linford Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Seminary
jms354 Styer, Jon Marketing & Communications Affiliate
kos4234 Suckau, Krishana Lancaster RN to BS
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
azs4949 Suderman, Andrew School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Theology & Religion
Affiliate Associate Professor
jds558 Swartz, Jonathan Student Life
School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Associate Dean of Students
les368 Swartzendruber, Loren Emeriti President Emeritus
swartzt Swartzendruber, Tim Advancement Division Senior Regional Advancement Director
kls352 Swartzentruber, Kendal Education
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
lgs957 Swartzentruber, Lucinda Adjunct Faculty
kos4233 Szambecki, Kate Marketing & Communications Recruitment Marketing Manager
pas2672 Szelwach Jr, Peter Athletics Track & Field Assistant Coach - Throws
rst2226 Tan, Rachel School of Social Sciences and Professions
Early Learning Center
ELC Assistant Teacher
jmt6354 Taylor, Jaylon Safety and Security Affiliate - Campus Security Officer
jwt2229 Taylor, Joe Athletics Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
slt2228 Taylor, Ray Ray School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Adjunct Faculty
tft887 Taylor, Timothy School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
ct765 Thomas, Celeste Student Life
Multicultural Services
Director of Multicultural Student Services
lat2229 Thompson, Laura School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Adjunct Faculty
mmt2233 Tibbles, Matt School of Social Sciences and Professions
Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Adjunct Faculty
hersheyj Tieszen, Julie Human Resources Payroll Administrator
alt2238 Tobey, Amber Academic Support
Registrar's Office
Assistant Registrar
cat949 Tobin, Carol Faith and Spiritual Life Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life
szt2584 Toth, Stephanie Visual & Communication Arts Adjunct Faculty
kdt6228 Townsend, Kaitlyn School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
SVCC Instructor
cwt2222 Trevitte, Chad Academic Support
Retention & Advising
First Year Advisor
trottetj Trotter, Travis Academic Support
Registrar's Office
University Registrar
trottert Trotter Nussbaum, Trina School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Center for Interfaith Engagement
Associate Director - CIE
glt2223 Troxell, Gary EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
klt2535 Tucker, Kathryn School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Intensive English Program
Tutor - IEP
jlw955 Turner, Jennifer Education Adjunct Faculty
jkt2234 Twery, Josh School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
History & Political Science
Adjunct Faculty
tysond Tyson, Don Emeriti
Master of Science in Nursing
Professor Emeritus/Nursing
ulrichjm Ulrich, Jennifer Academic Support
Interim Director of Libraries and Technical Service Librarian
gcv2236 VanBuskirk, Chris EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
mnv2224 Vasquez Sierra, Melvin Information Technology Endpoint Systems Analyst
mdv2224 Via, Mikayla Athletics Women's Basketball Assistant Coach
mav2224 Villacrusis, Michael School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
ldv2222 Vucic, Luther Advancement Affiliate
akw3696 Wadhwa, Anita Education Adjunct Faculty
waglert Wagler, Trent School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
knw2229 Waldron-Allen, Kyra School of Social Sciences and Professions
Early Learning Center
ELC Assistant Teacher
kaw2259 Watson, Kim School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adjunct Faculty
weaverdj Weaver, Dorothy Jean Seminary Professor Emerita/Seminary
lcw2826 Weaver, Lain Financial Assistance Financial Aid Counselor
rzw2626 Weaver, Robert Theater Affiliate Theater
weaverso Weaver, Sam Emeriti Administrator Emeritus/Development
emw2239 Weldon, Erin School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Preparatory Music
Preparatory Music and SVCC Manager
sw964 Wenger, Sheri EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster General Education
Adjunct Faculty
aw975 Westfall, Anna School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Visual & Communication Arts
Associate Professor of Art; Program Director - Visual & Communication Arts
bcw2878 Wheatley, Barbara School of Social Sciences and Professions
Associate Professor of Education
vlw2225 White, Venissa Student Life Project Director
skw2229 Whitson, Stephanie Graduate & Professional Recruitment Director of Graduate Admissions
kcw652 Wiedemann, Kelly School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Adjunct Faculty
wiensag Wiens, Arlene Emeriti Professor Emerita/Nursing
amw6444 Wilck, Allison School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
tdw6237 Willingham, Tynisha Provost's Office Provost
mw594 Wilson, Melody School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
mlw497 Wintsch, Misty EMU at Lancaster
Lancaster RN to BS
Adjunct Faculty
alw6449 Wirdzek, Adam Marketing & Communications Web Content and Strategy Manager
njw2222 Wise, Nancy School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Lancaster RN to BS
Master of Science in Nursing
Adjunct Faculty
lew583 Witmer, Linda Lancaster RN to BS Adjunct Faculty
hallsf Wittig, Sara President's Office Administrative Assistant for Administrative Suite
jcw2242 Wolfe, Jelisa School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Adjunct Faculty
czy2434 Yalcin, Cuneyt Adjunct Faculty
lzy2347 Yang, Leslie Preparatory Music Affiliate - Prep Music
eck2225 Yavny, Eve School of Social Sciences and Professions
Preparatory Music
Affiliate Prep Music
mby2222 Yirga, Merry Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
yoderas Yoder, Adam Curricular Support
Intercultural Studies
Adjunct Faculty
azy2257 Yoder, Alena School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Academic Program Coordinator
bly659 Yoder, Bonnie School of Social Sciences and Professions
Adjunct Faculty
yoderc Yoder, Carroll Emeriti Professor Emeritus/French
yoderjm Yoder, Jim School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Professor of Biology; Program Director - Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
lag996 Yoder, Laura School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Nursing
lay836 Yoder, Laurie School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
Mathematics & Computer Science
Associate Professor of Chemistry
yoderlm Yoder, Lawrence Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Seminary
yoderld Yoder, Lonnie Seminary Professor Emeritus/Seminary
yoderpj Yoder, Paul J. School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
Associate Professor of Education; Program Director - Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg
yoderra Yoder, Rick Emeriti Professor Emeritus/Business
mcy446 Young, Michael EMU at Lancaster
Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster
Adjunct Faculty
hmy228 Youssef, Hala School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
Adjunct Faculty
zehrh Zehr, Howard School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
Professor of Conflict Studies
maz248 Zehr, Mary Ann School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Writing & Communication
Academic Success Center
Assistant Professor of Rhetoric & Composition; Program Director - Writing & Communication
zehrpm Zehr, Paul Seminary
EMU at Lancaster
Professor Emeritus/Seminary
xxz2222 Zhang, Nina Academic Support
Retention & Advising
First Year Advisor
zookdj Zook, Daniel Information Technology Network Engineer
edz588 Zook, Ethan School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir
Affiliate - SVCC
jzz2448 Zyko, Jeanette Adjunct Faculty