Alphabetical List By Name
EID | Name | Department(s) | Title(s) |
jea2238 | Abrom, Joanne | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
ska2238 | Akula, Shravan | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Engineering Mathematics & Computer Science |
Instructor of Engineering |
tma2234 | Al Bayati, Tamarah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
sys954 | Alabanza, Shannon | School of Social Sciences and Professions | Adjunct Faculty |
laa2624 | Alcoreza, Leo | Athletics | Head Coach Women's Soccer |
daa665 | Alderfer, Doug | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
eza2327 | Alderfer, Liz | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
cda2232 | Alger, Caleb | Safety and Security | Affiliate - Campus Security Officer |
jha2223 | Allen, Jody | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
alleyl | Alley, Linda | Emeriti | Administrator Emerita |
hba2226 | Alsindi, Heja | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
rca2225 | Altenburg, Robert | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
jfa352 | Amstutz, Jim | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theology & Religion |
Adjunct Faculty |
raa2473 | Amstutz, Rebekah | Business Office | Accounts Receivable Assistant |
benoith | Anderson, Helen | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Counseling |
jga868 | Anderson, Joy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
Adjunct Faculty |
tda2224 | Anderson, Tempest | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Adjunct Faculty |
jza3222 | Andreas, Jonathan | Adjunct Faculty | |
aza6526 | Anwar, Amina | School of Social Sciences and Professions Early Learning Center |
Director/Teacher - Early Learning Center |
ta955 | Aquil, Talibah | CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding | Adjunct Faculty |
hza2467 | Arimoto, Hillary | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
gza2354 | Arthur, Gail | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Biomedicine |
Assistant Professor of Biology |
assefah | Assefa, Hizkias | CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute | Adjunct Faculty |
augsburg | Augsburger, Myron | Emeriti | President & Professor Emeritus |
reb6249 | Babcock, Rachel | EMU at Lancaster | Executive Assistant - Lancaster |
ldb2224 | Backues, Lindy | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Associate Professor of Business & Leadership |
hzb2727 | Bailey, Harold | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
spb2235 | Baker, Steve | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
bargen | Barge, Nathan | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
kdp2225 | Barlet, Katelyn | Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
stb2225 | Barnard, Scott | ||
cwb784 | Barnes, Catherine | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty; Senior Lecturer - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
vpb2222 | Barnes, Victoria | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Campus Ministries |
mlb2278 | Barrett, Michelle | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
gcb2234 | Baugher, Glenn | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA |
baumanj | Bauman, Jennifer | Student Life | Executive Administrative Assistant |
beachybs | Beachy, Ben | Adjunct Faculty | |
beachyk | Beachy, Kirsten | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts EMU Core Curriculum Language & Literature |
Associate Professor of English; Program Director - EMU Core Curriculum |
hzb2636 | Beck, Hannah | Admissions Undergraduate | Admissions Counsselor |
asb4644 | Berg, Aric | Marketing & Communications | Project Manager, Marketing/Communications |
bpb668 | Bergey, Benjamin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Assistant Professor of Music |
mmb2257 | Bernal Dixon, Merly | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
deb6224 | Berry III, David | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music Bach Festival |
Associate Professor of Music; Program Director - Music |
lgb2236 | Berryman, Lori | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
stambacm | Bert, Carrie | Athletics | Director of Athletics |
rzb3228 | Bhagat, Ram | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
bitikojk | Bitikofer, Janelle | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
bixlerb | Bixler, Benjamin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theology & Religion |
Adjunct Faculty |
gehmans | Bixler, Sarah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Assistant Professor of Formation & Practical Theology; Associate Dean - Seminary |
mab3665 | Blackwood-Chirchir, Anne | Seminary | Affiliate - Seminary |
jfb334 | Blosser, Jesse | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor |
pzb2379 | Blosser, Perry | School of Social Sciences and Professions Preparatory Music |
Affiliate Prep Music |
rmr474 | Blosser, Rachael | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
svb2226 | Bogue, Sarah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Seminary - Instructional Technologist |
bombergj | Bomberger, Jim | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/English |
dcb2246 | Boontarue, Dana | Dining Hall | Affiliate - Pioneer |
ezb2824 | Bowen, Elliot | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Administrative Assistant |
bowserbw | Bowser, Bonnie | Academic Support Library |
Circulation & Office Manager |
bowsergh | Bowser II, Henry | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Engineering |
Engineering Lab Technician |
khb2224 | Branner, Kaleb | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
djb348 | Brennan, David | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
dmb3235 | Brokenshire, Danese | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
jmb729 | Brooks, Jauan | Visual & Communication Arts | Adjunct Faculty |
mab3663 | Brooks, Mikaela | Athletics | Head Coach Women's Lacrosse |
anb3832 | Brown, Lexi | Admissions Undergraduate | Senior Admissions Counselor |
mab3659 | Brown, Martha | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
mob2225 | Brown, Mo | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
brownscs | Brownscombe, Sandy | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Phys Ed |
brubakeb | Brubaker, Beryl | Emeriti | Administrator Emerita |
db252 | Brubaker, David | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus |
ezb2446 | Brubaker, Everett | Provost's Office | Adjunct Faculty |
brubakek | Brubaker, Kenton | Emeriti Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Professor Emeritus/Biology |
rrb6223 | Brubaker, Regina | Business Office | Cashier |
bhb887 | Brunk, Beth | Academic Support Registrar's Office Seminary |
Registration Coordinator |
brunkger | Brunk, Gerald | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/History |
brunkg | Brunk III, George | Seminary | Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
mpb3574 | Buchanan, Marjorie | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
mzb2239 | Bucher, Matthew | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzb6677 | Buckwalter, Jessica | Athletics | Assistant Coach Track & Field |
pzb2568 | Bunton, Peter | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
bb329 | Burkholder, Brian Martin | Student Life Faith and Spiritual Life |
University Chaplain |
jzb4246 | Burkholder, Johanna | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Assistant Professor of Accounting |
lb976 | Burkholder, Linda | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Intercultural Program Coordinator |
eab2837 | Burns, Eleanor | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
alb4454 | Butwell, Ann | Curricular Support Washington Community Scholars' Center |
WCSC-Associate Director of Student Life and Program Administration |
ahb753 | Byler, Holden | Information Technology | Application Integration Engineer |
mckinsey | Byler, Jody | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
bylerme | Byler, Myrrl | Intercultural Studies | Adjunct Faculty |
emc2943 | Callahan, Eileen | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
qbc2222 | Callahan, Quinton | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
dac2858 | Campbell, Darren | Dining Hall | Affiliate - Pioneer |
dac829 | Cardenas, Deb | Lancaster RN to BS School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzc6588 | Cardenas, Jim | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
jjc3426 | Carey, Justin | Athletics | Head Men's Soccer Coach |
kgc2225 | Carini, Kevin | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
wdc2225 | Carr, Wendy | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Assistant Professor of Nursing |
cashmm | Cash, Melody | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice Nursing |
Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Doctor of Nursing Practice |
cessnas | Cessna, Stephen | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Professor of Chemistry |
hzc2654 | Chang, Hyo-jin | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - STAR Program CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Adjunct Faculty |
rzc6344 | Christens-Persaud, Rebekah | EMU at Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
asc6335 | Cincotta II, Anthony | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
akc378 | Clark, Kate | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Public Health Nursing |
Associate Professor of Nursing |
adc987 | Clemens, Angie | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts | Adjunct Faculty |
jlc3467 | Cline, Jennifer | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Associate Professor of Counseling |
drc972 | Clymer, Donald | Emeriti | Faculty Emeritus/Spanish |
jec3378 | Cobb, Jennifer | Provost's Office | Title IX Coordinator |
szc6295 | Colafranceschi, Stefano | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Engineering Mathematics & Computer Science |
Associate Professor of Computer Science |
jzc6557 | Cole, Joe | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Associate Professor of Restorative Justice |
kac2253 | Coleman, Kate | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
lyc2222 | Collins, Lisa | CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute | Adjunct Faculty |
cgc336 | Contreras, Carina | Student Life | Survivor Advocate |
psc2359 | Cook, Paul | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
jac2447 | Cook PhD, Jacob | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Seminary Grant Program Director; Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics - Seminary |
cooleycd | Cooley, Charles | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Institutional Research and Effectiveness Mathematics & Computer Science |
Assistant Professor of Computer Science; Associate Director of Institutional Research - Institutional Research and Effectiveness |
ecd2226 | Coombe, Emily | Marketing & Communications | Social Media Manager |
mlc5996 | Cooper-White, Michael | Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
jmc2235 | Copeland, Jeffrey | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Biomedicine |
Professor of Biology |
rac5999 | Cornell, Ryan | Marketing & Communications | Senior Writer & Communications Manager |
acc6364 | Correa, Ana | School of Social Sciences and Professions | Administrative Assistant |
cdc2246 | Cortes, Chris | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance |
coulterp | Coulter, Phyllis | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Education |
cowless | Cowles, Spencer | Emeriti Master of Business Administration |
Professor Emeritus/Business |
jmc638 | Cox, Jim | Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
fjc2224 | Crane, Francesca | Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
erc2743 | Crawford, Erica | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Admin Assistant |
bmc2629 | Cunningham, Brandon | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Assistant Professor of Nursing |
bdc2782 | Cunningham, Brent | Adjunct Faculty | |
gjc358 | Czyszczon, Greg | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Associate Professor of Counseling |
dsilvam | D'Silva, Alison | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Operations Manager |
kkd2226 | DaCosta, Kandace | EMU at Lancaster Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
ljd2224 | Daily, Laura | Advancement Division | Director of Advancement Operations |
dgd584 | Daneker, Dan | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
mdd2649 | Danner, Michael | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Adjunct Faculty |
akd2232 | Davis, Anna | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
jmd3464 | Davis, h | EMU at Lancaster Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
mmh477 | Davis, Mary | Admissions Undergraduate Graduate & Professional Recruitment |
Inquiry/Communications Coordiantor Admissions |
jew3872 | de Waal, Ellie | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theater |
Affiliate - Theater |
jdd995 | Deal, Joan | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
ajd2996 | DeCaria, Alex | EMU at Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
mnd496 | Deibert, Melanie | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster RN to BS |
Certified Nursing Assistant Program Coordinator |
knd2572 | Denisson, Kelly | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
dad226 | Depoy, Donald | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
zzd2298 | DePriest, Zandy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
vsd248 | Derrow, Vanessa | Student Life | Health Information Management Coordinator |
kbd794 | Derstine, Katie | Academic Support Financial Assistance Registrar's Office |
Student Services and Records Coordinator |
derstine | Derstine, Kenton | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Faculty Emeritus/Seminary |
ezd2773 | des-Bordes, Emmanuel | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
desancti | DeSanctis, Ingrid | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theater |
Adjunct Faculty |
kjd2639 | Dickinson, Kyle | Athletics | Associate Head Track & Field Coach |
bmd2627 | Diehl, Blaire | Athletics | Women's Softball Assistant Coach |
dld829 | DiGennaro, Debbi | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work |
Instructor of Social Work |
pdf2222 | Ditzel Facci, Paula | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Assistant Professor of Peacebuilding; Academic Program Director - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
jsd636 | Docherty, Jayne | Emeriti | Professor Emerita |
kgt2225 | Dolieslager, Katie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Adjunct Faculty |
bzd2589 | Domangue, Brinton | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Lab Technician |
nad2365 | Doughty, Natalie | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
sd877 | Dove, Shannon | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theater |
Theater Technical Director |
nas997 | Dovel, Nikki | Student Life | Lead Counselor |
pjd2277 | Dressler, Pam | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice |
Adjunct Faculty |
pcd235 | Driediger, Penny | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Assistant Professor of the Practice of Supervised Ministry |
pd767 | Dula, Peter | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theology & Religion |
Professor of Religion & Culture |
rcd2225 | Dunn, Chase | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
rjd2564 | Durbin, Ryan | Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
dd983 | Durham, Deanna | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work Intercultural Studies |
Associate Professor of Social Work & Sociology; Program Director - Social Work |
vd928 | Dutcher, Violet | ||
szd5986 | Dycus, Shannon | Student Life | Vice President for Student Affairs, Equity, and Belonging |
me437 | Eads, Marti | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Professor of English |
jce2226 | Earles, James | Athletics | Assistant Baseball Coach |
eckardp | Eckard, Patty | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership Graduate Business & Leadership |
Office Coordinator |
lke338 | Edwards, Linda | Adjunct Faculty | |
enedyd | Enedy, Diana | Emeriti | Faculty Emerita/English |
englej | Engle, Jim | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/OT |
rde755 | Eshleman-Robles, Ryan | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
gae2222 | Estes Jr, Geoffray | Adjunct Faculty | |
dfe2222 | Evans, David | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Professor of History & Intercultural Studies; Program Director - Theology & Religion |
kze2393 | Evans, Kathy | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Professor of Teacher Education; Program Director - Education |
sde643 | Eyre, Scott | Student Life | Director for Campus Life |
failess | Failes, Stephanie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Affiliate - GTE Instructor |
djb352 | Farrar, Diane | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Engineering |
Science Center Office Coordinator |
ras762 | Farrell, Rachel | Student Life | Counseling Services Office Coordinator |
fastbp | Fast, Barbara | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Art |
fastjw | Fast, John | Emeriti | Faculty Emeritus/Music |
mtf757 | Felix Garcia, Melvin | Athletics | Head Men's Basketball Coach |
fennimr | Fennimore, Rob | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
hzt2246 | Ferguson, Hannah | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Assistant Professor of Nursing |
lzf2596 | Fertig, Lindsey | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
fisherkd | Fisher, Kathy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
caf2573 | Fleming, Carol | Admissions Undergraduate | Admissions Campus Visit Coordinator |
jzf6374 | Flores, Jimmie | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
lmf2588 | Forster, Larry | Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
azf6353 | Fowkes, Andy | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
wtl2224 | Franzosa, William | Information Technology | Endpoint Systems Analyst |
mjf743 | Fretz, Mark | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Adjunct Faculty |
mlf2738 | Frey, Michael | Information Technology | Systems Engineer |
skf2232 | Fries, Stephen | Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
reinhold | Furr, Margaret | Adjunct Faculty | |
clf2553 | Fusco, Chris | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance Lead |
hlg2222 | Galang, Heather | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
skg725 | Gant, Sarah | Information Technology | Endpoint Systems Administrator |
rsg2225 | Garrity, Bob | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
sag753 | George, Somer | Graduate Counseling | Adjunct Faculty |
gerlachj | Gerlach, Jason | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
azg6544 | Gianni, Adrian | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Adjunct Faculty |
shg857 | Gibbs Jr, Stephen | Information Technology | Associate Director of User Services |
aag2233 | Gillespie, Amy | Master of Science in Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
esg2226 | Gingerich, Ericka | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Education Placement & Assessment Coordinator |
brennkg | Gingerich Brenneman, Kim | Emeriti Psychology |
Professor Emerita/Psychology |
gingrich | Gingrich, Chris | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Business |
ejg989 | Girvan, Elizabeth | Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
glicke | Glick, Ervie | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/German |
gnageyl | Gnagey, Linda | Emeriti | |
bdg525 | Good, Beth | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
rmg2523 | Good, Ryan | Curricular Support Washington Community Scholars' Center |
Associate Professor of Urban Studies; Program Director - Washington Community Scholars' Center |
alg2263 | Goodell, Alex | Preparatory Music | Affiliate - Prep Music |
tzg2457 | Goss, Tyler | Student Life | Director for Student Engagement and Leadership Development |
neufeldd | Graber Neufeld, Doug | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Professor of Biology |
jzs3368 | Greenawalt, Joanna | Graduate & Professional Recruitment | Recriutment Specialist |
seg2245 | Grinnan, Shannon | Dining Hall | Affiliate - Pioneer |
sag2248 | Grossnickle-Batterton, Stephanie | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
bzg6289 | Guerrero, Benjamin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Assistant Professor of Music |
cag2988 | Guerrero, Cassie | Advancement Division | Gifts Receipting Coordinator |
guslercm | Gusler, Chad | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Associate Professor of Language & Literature |
cdg582 | Gusler, Cyndi | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Professor of Art |
rzh2639 | Hagi, Randi | Marketing & Communications | Affilliate - Marketing/Comm |
csh3597 | Hale, Christopher | Adjunct Faculty | |
keh2637 | Hall, Kim | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Instructor of Psychology |
smb645 | Halteman, Sara | Institutional Research and Effectiveness | Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness |
jzh3998 | Halterman, Julia | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biomedicine |
Adjunct Faculty; Senior Lecturer - Biomedicine |
ch436 | Hammond, Cheree | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Professor of Counseling |
azh6644 | Hanson, Aram | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
crh675 | Harman, Christina | Business Office | Controller |
mdh3473 | Harris, Marilyn | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
cmh2893 | Harrison, Casey | Business Office | Business Office Clerk |
czh6386 | Harrison, Christina | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Director of Intercultural Programs |
hartb | Hart, Barry | CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding School of Social Sciences and Professions |
Professor Emeritus/CJP |
teh459 | Hartlaub, Tami | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
dhh2225 | Hartmann, Dave | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
springer | Hartsell, Amy | President's Office | Executive Advisor to the President |
ich2226 | Haseloff, Iris | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
vxh2222 | Haskins, Victor | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
jph6526 | Hasselback III, John | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
toh2222 | Heal, Thomas | Preparatory Music | Affiliate - Prep Music |
mlh2266 | Heatwole, Melissa | Graduate & Professional Recruitment | Professional Education Specialist |
mah235 | Heck, Monica | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Assistant Professor of Nursing |
ceh364 | Heckman, Chuck | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
evh2234 | Heilbronner, Liz | Admissions Undergraduate | Admissions Counselor |
heiseyn | Heisey, Nancy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary Theology & Religion |
Prof Emerita/BibStudies&ChHist |
helmutln | Helmuth, Les | Bach Festival | Affiliate - BACH Festival Consultant |
rgh2226 | Hepler, Bob | Athletics | Director of Cross Country and Track & Field |
kauffmrj | Herr, Rachel | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Office Coordinator |
herrhj | Herr Stravers, Holly | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Assistant Professor of Nursing |
reh2233 | Herrick, Rachel | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theater |
Affiliate - Theater |
hershbea | Hershberger, Ann | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Nursing |
dfh826 | Hertzler, Dolores | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Nursing Administrative Coordinator |
jch2242 | Hess, Joseph | Master of Science in Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
jdh694 | Hiett, Judy | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Instructor of Nursing |
mkh2243 | Hinton, Melissa | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Adjunct Faculty |
czh2852 | Holsapple, Caitlin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Administrative Assistant |
jlh2257 | Holsinger, Jenni | School of Social Sciences and Professions Sociology |
Associate Professor of Sociology; Program Director - Sociology; Program Directory - Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies |
holsoppj | Holsopple, Jerry | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Professor of Visual & Communication Arts |
cjh5983 | Honsinger, Connie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Trauma & Resilience in Healthcare Settings |
Adjunct Faculty |
bnh2953 | Hook, Brittany | Counseling Services | Affiliate - Counseling Services Graduate Intern |
bph378 | Hoover, Braydon | Enrollment | Vice President for Enrollment |
czh2463 | Hoover, Christa | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate Prep Music |
ham549 | Hoover, Heidi | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
chs3758 | Hoover Seidel, Christi | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzh4388 | Horsley, Jacob | Admissions Undergraduate | Senior Admissions Counselor |
mlh635 | Horst, Michael | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Associate Professor of Counseling; Program Director - Graduate Counseling; Program Directory - Psychology |
horstre | Horst, Ray | Emeriti | Faculty Emeritus/Spanish |
sds859 | Horst, Simone | Academic Support Library |
Librarian-Menno Simons Historical Library |
rph543 | Hostetler, Bob | Emeriti | Assoc Prof Emeritus of Math |
jlh684 | Hostetler, Jessica | Enrollment | Administrative Assistant |
seh2227 | Hostetler, Suzanne | Academic Support Retention & Advising |
Coach-Link Coach |
jmh237 | Hostetter, Janet | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
Assistant Professor of Music; Director - Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
hought | Hough, Tracy | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
dsh2976 | House, Daniel | Information Technology | Educational Technology Engineer |
kah6472 | Howard, Kathryn | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Assistant Professor of Psychology |
tch2978 | Hoyos, Thalia | Athletics | Assistant Volleyball Coach |
odh2289 | Hoyos Aliff, Omar | Athletics | Head Men's Volleyball Coach |
cmh258 | Hudson, Cindy | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
mth2237 | Hummer, Matthew | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
kdh682 | Humphries, Kevin | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
cgn766 | Hurst, Carol | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work |
Associate Professor of Social Work |
dlh886 | Hurst, Diane | Adjunct Faculty | |
zmh277 | Hurst, Zach | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA |
jmh488 | Hutchins, Julie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
amh6427 | Hutchison, Amanda | School of Social Sciences and Professions | Adjunct Faculty |
bji2257 | Incheck, Brian | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
whi2223 | Ingham, William | Adjunct Faculty | |
bdi2225 | Isernhagen, Brett | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Adjunct Faculty |
tnj2623 | Jackson, Tamika | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Assistant Professor of Counseling |
tij2222 | Jackson, Thaddeus | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
dcd2626 | Janow, Donielle | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Adjunct Faculty |
jantziv | Jantzi, Vernon | CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding | Faculty Emeritus/CJP |
jj967 | Janzen, J Melvin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
IEP Tutor, Pastor & Chaplain |
jdj695 | Jenner, Jonathan | CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute | Affiliate SPI Instructor |
slj2227 | Jensen, Stephanie | Graduate & Professional Recruitment | Recruitment Specialist |
lmj2233 | Jodrey, Lindsey | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Seminary - Learning Experience Design |
czc6349 | Johnson, Cherelle | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty; Lecturer - Business & Leadership |
cmj336 | Johnson, Chris | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Adjunct Faculty |
lej2224 | Johnson, Lacey | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Instructor of Mathematics |
sdj862 | Johnson, Steven | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Professor of Visual & Communication Arts |
sjj2779 | Johnston, Sam | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Instructor of Nursing |
jlj6228 | Jones, Jen | Provost's Office | Executive Assistant to Provost |
trj2443 | Jones, Todd | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Grounds Supervisor |
kdj2437 | Jones-Mitchell, Shea | Advancement Division | Advancement Coordinator |
ccj953 | Joyner, Courtney | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary Theology & Religion |
Assistant Professor of Formation |
dzk2795 | Kassem, Dima | Curricular Support Washington Community Scholars' Center |
Associate Director of Communications & Recruitment |
kauffgm | Kauffman, Glenn | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Chemistry |
jzk5969 | Kauffman, Jeremy | Adjunct Faculty | |
yoderkri | Kauffman, Kristin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
nlk278 | Kauffman, Nathan | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
rjk579 | Kauffman, Rebecca | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
jbk562 | Kaufmann, Jennifer | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
nak2227 | Kee, Nicholas | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Custodial Supervisor |
gak2225 | Keim, Greg | Adjunct Faculty | |
wek2223 | Kellogg, Wendy | Lancaster General Education | Recruitment & Enrollment Specialist - Lancaster PA |
jek2242 | Kennel, Jill | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
kzk5985 | Kennel, Kathryn | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor |
mzm2732 | Keplinger, Megan | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work |
Admin Asst for Social Work |
sak2666 | Ketchum, Sarah | Counseling Services | Resident in Counseling |
akk3393 | Khalsa, Atma | Student Life | Area Coordinator |
mzk6437 | Khasawneh, Mazin | Adjunct Faculty | |
jek2235 | Kim, Ji Eun | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Associate Professor of Political Science |
shk2869 | Kim, Sinae | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
zzk2272 | Kinder, Wynne | Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
azk3347 | King, Adam | Graduate & Professional Recruitment | Recruitment Specialist |
cak2245 | King, Christopher | Preparatory Music | Affiliate Prep Music |
dak2227 | King, Daniel | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Engineering Mathematics & Computer Science |
Associate Professor of Engineering; Program Director - Engineering |
dak529 | King, Dave | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
hmb972 | King, Heidi | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
kingra | King, Ryan | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
kinggra | King-Grosh, Ann | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
csk2226 | Kirby, Carolyn | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Instructor of Nursing |
bnk2225 | Kirkland, Brandi | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Seminary |
ezk2642 | Kirkton, Lizzy | Auxiliary Services | Events & Operations Coordinator |
slk369 | Kiser, Shannon | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
tlk326 | Kishbaugh, Tara | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Dean - School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing; Professor of Chemistry |
ack972 | Knorr, Amy | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Practice Director |
lmr324 | Kolb, Lindsey | Media Specialist | |
mpk2225 | Kori, Mary | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian |
nmk293 | Krall, Naomi | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Education |
krauset | Krause, Tammy | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
chk2222 | Kreider, Carlin | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Campus Ministries |
gdk2294 | Kreider, Gabriel | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Campus Ministries |
jck2229 | Kreider, Joy | Psychology School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing |
Temp Faculty Asst- G. Rhodes |
bowmanlb | Kreider, Lois | Emeriti | Faculty Emerita/Library |
jzk6368 | Kulju, Jen | Marketing & Communications | Director of Marketing & Communications |
jfl442 | L'Heureux, Jody | Master of Science in Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
mzl6225 | Ladd, Mackenzie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
dml646 | Lam, Denise | History & Political Science | Adjunct Faculty |
lml2227 | Lam, Lindsay | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Affiliate - Music |
sdl2223 | Landis, Stephanie | Business Office | Mail Service Clerk |
lnc2233 | Landram, Lisa | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
lappj | Lapp, Joseph | Emeriti | President Emeritus |
nal2223 | Larkin, Nadine | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
sjg568 | Larson, Sam | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Seminary - Teaching Assistant |
jml339 | Leaman, Jim | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Associate Professor of Business; Program Director - Business & Leadership; Program Directory - Graduate Business & Leadership |
leapr | Leap, Renee | Financial Assistance | Associate Director of Financial Assistance |
pwl2264 | Ledgerwood, Philip | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzl6235 | Lee, Jaylon | Athletics | Affiliate - Volunteer - Baseball |
jzl6245 | Lee, Joohyun | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Associate Professor of Recreation Leadership |
lehmanb | Lehman, Bradley | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
CJP Tech Support |
lehmangr | Lehman, Galen | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Psychology |
lehmanwr | Lehman, Wilmer | Emeriti | Faculty Emeritus/Mathematics |
azl6436 | Lehrke, Alyse | Adjunct Faculty | |
sml725 | Lepley, Dr. Lepley | Health Services | Affiliate |
lzh6362 | Li, Hongtao | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Biomedicine |
Assistant Professor of Biology |
eul2222 | Lim, Elaine | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate Prep Music |
cgl2225 | Linkmeyer, Clinton | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
lzm2855 | Litwiller, Luke | Admissions Undergraduate | Director of Undergraduate Admissions |
nzl2435 | Litwiller, Nicole | Advancement Division | Annual Giving & Donor Communication Specialist |
akl2648 | Livingston, Annalise | Student Life | Project Coordinator - Royal RISE |
jwl749 | Lohr, Jody | Information Technology | Educational Technology Analyst |
kll774 | Long, Kris | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
IEP Office Coordinator |
smeltzed | Longacher Smeltzer, Deirdre | Affiliate Research Professor | |
kml2228 | Loose, Kristen | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
yl673 | Lopez, Yeimarie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work |
Adjunct Faculty |
ml762 | Lorcas, Maria | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
jgl2234 | LoVecchio, Joe | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
eml2227 | Lowe Jr, Edward | Athletics | Affiliate - Athletics |
hzm2438 | Mack-Boll, Hannah | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
lm823 | Mackey, Lynne | Bach Festival | Affiliate - BACH Festival |
hmm2238 | Madden, Haiden | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
mxm6267 | Madrid, Xiomara | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Spanish Conversation Partner |
kam6439 | Maher, Katie | Athletics | Women's Assistant Soccer Coach |
jzm6752 | Mak, Jamie | Academic Support | Assistant VP of Academic & Program Growth |
hmm2247 | Manley, Heather | Adjunct Faculty | |
kmm2222 | Mansfield, Katie | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Affiliate - STAR Trainer |
cbm794 | Martell, Carrie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
dem554 | Martin, David | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Director Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
jam6598 | Martin, Jason | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
lem522 | Martin, Lindsay | ||
nrm2237 | Martin, Naomi | Financial Assistance | Financial Aid Counselor |
nbm757 | Martin, Nils | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
trm6439 | Martin, Troy | Financial Assistance | Director of Financial Assistance |
wsm2224 | Martin, Wayne | Safety and Security | Coordinator of Campus Safety |
szm3353 | Mason, Stephanie | Human Resources | Director of Human Resources |
gb638 | Mast, Gerald | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
ezm6469 | Mast, Jane | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Affiliate - Dual Enrollment Instructor |
mastj | Mast, Joe | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Mathematics |
mmm456 | Mast, Marcelo | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Affiliate Dual Enrollment Teacher PA |
mastmm | Mast, Melody | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
mastre | Mast, Roger | School of Social Sciences and Professions Health & Physical Education |
Associate Professor of Physical Education; Program Director - Health & Physical Education |
sln882 | Mathias, Susan | Human Resources | Generalist III |
rmm2238 | May, Bob | Adjunct Faculty | |
mzm6694 | May, Melissa | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Lecturer |
tts584 | May, Tammy | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
sam6252 | McAvoy, Scott | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
lam3294 | McClendon, Lesley | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Adjunct Faculty |
jm542 | McCurdy Jr, JD | Athletics | Head Softball Coach |
mzm3886 | McGuigan, Macson | Marketing & Communications | Visual Media Manager |
pm532 | McHugh, Peggy | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
jlm4696 | McIlwee, Justin | Athletics | Athletic Communications Director |
szm6567 | McKenna, Sharon | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
jem2269 | McMillen, Jodie | Master of Science in Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
jdm2246 | McRay, Jonathan | Curricular Support EMU Core Curriculum |
Adjunct Faculty |
medley | Medley, Mike | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/English |
mellinac | Mellinger, Clair | Emeriti Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Professor Emeritus/Biology |
gfm2222 | Metz, Georgia | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
sam6274 | Metz, Sydney | Athletics | Field Hockey Head Coach |
mzm6684 | Metzger, Madalyn | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
rmm6427 | Meyer, Becky | Adjunct Faculty | |
millerad | Miller, Andrew | Graduate Business & Leadership | Adjunct Faculty |
bzm2242 | Miller, Brocklyn | Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
cnm2229 | Miller, Carmen | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster RN to BS |
Adjunct Faculty |
millere | Miller, Elroy | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Social Work |
jmm6456 | Miller, Jany | Adjunct Faculty | |
ezm2985 | Miller, Liz | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
millerrj | Miller, Roman | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Biomedicine |
Professor Emeritus/Biology |
millerwj | Miller, Wendy | Seminary | Faculty Emerita/Seminary |
nzm2228 | Milton, Nate | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
azm3975 | Mitchell, Alex | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
phm2224 | Mollenkof, Peter | Lancaster General Education | Adjunct Faculty |
wpm2227 | Moncure, Billy | Counseling Services Student Life |
Affiliate - Counseling Dept. - Practicum Student |
hzm2637 | Moore, Hilary | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
mbh882 | Moore, MaryBeth | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Interim Seminary Chaplain |
kdm6365 | Moreland, Kim | Safety and Security | Affiliate - Campus Security Officer |
szm6293 | Morgan, Sidney | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Adjunct Faculty |
jtm4843 | Morris, Jack | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
dmm2834 | Morrison, David | Admissions Undergraduate Graduate & Professional Recruitment |
Inquiry/Communications Processor Admissions |
azm4578 | Moscoso, Alison | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Affiliate - Spiritual Direction |
km945 | Mturi, Kajungu | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Adjunct Faculty |
drm2233 | Mullens, Deborah | Human Resources | Human Resources Assistant |
mulletjh | Mullet, Judy | Curricular Support Honors Program |
Professor Emerita/Psychology |
kam3593 | Murray, Krista | Admissions Undergraduate | Recruitment Database Manager |
nafzigkj | Nafziger, Ken | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Music |
kln392 | Nafziger, Ken L. | Emeriti | Administrator Emeritus |
mzn2725 | Nascimento dos Santos, Maria | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
mtn951 | Nation, Mark Thiessen | Emeriti Seminary |
Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
rln2424 | Needham, Rebecca | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
rdn2223 | Neil, Dawn | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator |
cdn2226 | Nelson, Carolyn | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
san2225 | Nelson, Stephen | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biomedicine |
Adjunct Faculty |
lan2225 | Nieves Jr, Lou | Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
ccn478 | Norment, Christy | School of Social Sciences and Professions | Adjunct Faculty |
ebn327 | North, Emily | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts | Administrative Assistant |
mzn2243 | Nyce, Matt | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Adjunct Faculty |
dmn2225 | Nyiringabo, David | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Adjunct Faculty |
kho2223 | O'Meara, Kristina | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
smo2226 | Obeck, Sam | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
sao2233 | Olejniczak, Sarah | Provost's Office | Title IX Coordinator |
sao568 | Olnick, Sage | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
mco2226 | Oosthuizen, Mateam | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
otm2295 | Oosthuizen, Olivia | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
kko2222 | Orlando, Kathy | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
djo2223 | Ott, Daniel | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts School of Social Sciences and Professions |
Dean - School of Social Sciences and Professions; Dean - School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts; Program Director - Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster; Program Directory - Liberal Arts; Professor of Theology & Religious Studies |
cfo496 | Overacker, Carleen | Athletics | Administrative Assistant |
do565 | Owusu-Ansah, David | History & Political Science | Adjunct Faculty |
tzo2276 | Oyer, Trevor | Athletics | Affiliate - Disc Golf Coach |
sep2243 | Pace, Sarah | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Counseling |
Administrative Assistant |
jqp2222 | Padilla, Jeremiah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
slp2592 | Padilla, Sarah | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian |
slp2594 | Padilla, Sarah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
ekp2226 | Palmer, Kent | Information Technology | SIS Database Analyst |
mnp496 | Parakuo, Mary | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Custodian |
dp268 | Pardini, Debra | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary |
Seminary Administrative Assistant |
gjp2223 | Pathania, Gaurav | School of Social Sciences and Professions Sociology |
Assistant Professor of Sociology & Peacebuilding |
hp974 | Peckruhn, Heike | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theology & Religion |
Associate Professor of Religious Studies |
jfp6448 | Pescatore, John | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Engineering |
Associate Professor of Engineering |
azp3287 | Petrokonis, Andrea | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
jdp6426 | Phillips, Jennifer | School of Social Sciences and Professions Early Learning Center |
Assistant Teacher - 2-Day Class |
kcp2222 | Phillips, Kimberly | Academic Support Career Services |
Director of Career Services |
sep2244 | Phillips, Sarah | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Adjunct Faculty |
phillipa | Phillips, Tu | Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg | Adjunct Faculty |
piperj | Piper, Jenni | Information Technology | Director of Information Technology |
piperr | Piper, Ron | Emeriti | Administrator Emeritus |
gwp2375 | Polhill III, Bill | Adjunct Faculty | |
vop2222 | Polishchuk, Victoria | Preparatory Music | Affiliate - Prep Music |
mbp2233 | Pontes, Megan | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
ajp2246 | Poole, Amanda | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzp3263 | Poole, Justin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theater |
Associate Professor of Theater; Program Director - Theater |
azp2776 | Posey, Adam | Athletics | Head Baseball Coach |
jzl2675 | Posey, Jenny | Athletics | Head Women's Basketball Coach |
dep6289 | Postlethwait, Danny | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
sdp6396 | Powell, Stephanie | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary Theology & Religion |
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible |
kp474 | Pranis, Kay | CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding | Adjunct Faculty |
kel797 | Prock, Katie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
cdp2233 | Pruett, Dave | Adjunct Faculty | |
mjp298 | Pusey, Marcia | Emeriti School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Faculty Emerita |
lzp2728 | Pyle, Lori | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
dpq2223 | Quirk, Denis | Lancaster General Education | Adjunct Faculty |
jtr2234 | Raff, Jeremy | Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
ser575 | Ramer, Shawn | VP for Finance | Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Finance |
bpr2229 | Ramirez, Bryan | Counseling Services | Affiliate - Counseling Services Graduate Intern |
apr2228 | Ramirez Trujillo, Alma | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
wzr2334 | Ranasinghe, Wima | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
IEP Tutor |
cnr2227 | Randolph, Christopher | Advancement Division | Regional Advancement Director |
jsr2242 | Rashid, Jonny | Seminary | Affiliate - Seminary |
mmr2243 | Ray, Martha | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Adjunct Faculty |
twr6298 | Reardon, Timothy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Seminary Theology & Religion |
Assistant Professor of New Testament |
drr2228 | Reed, Deanna | Advancement Division | Director of Alumni Engagement and Community Connections |
kcr848 | Reichard, Karen | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
Adjunct Faculty |
ehr2222 | Reiter, Eileen | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
kzr2372 | Remnant, Kyle | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Assistant Professor of Music |
par265 | Ressler, Phyllis | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
err2685 | Ressler Horst, Ella | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
tdr2673 | Rhim, Towahna | Lancaster General Education Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
rhodesg | Rhodes, Gloria | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Professor of Conflict Studies |
dlr2794 | Richards, Deserae | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
riddlec | Riddle, Chris | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
mdr285 | Riddle, Melody | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
pwr2224 | Riley, Patrick | Dining Hall | Affiliate - Pioneer |
clr947 | Rittenhouse, Cathy | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Master of Science in Nursing Nursing |
Associate Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Master of Science in Nursing |
jjr2228 | Robbins, Jonathan | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty - Aviation PA |
kwr2223 | Roberts, Kyle | Safety and Security | Affiliate - Campus Security Officer |
lzc6246 | Roberts, Lydia | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
dar2249 | Robey, David | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Director of Facilities Management |
szr2778 | Roby, Stephanie | Athletics | Athletic Trainer |
njr2225 | Rodriguez, Nancy | Health Services | Health Service Coordinator |
mmr866 | Rogers, Mark | School of Social Sciences and Professions | Adjunct Faculty |
oir2223 | Rominiyi, Olivia | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
rothmar | Roth, Mary | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
crr693 | Rowe, Carmen | Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
rwr2224 | Ruleman, Robin | School of Social Sciences and Professions Business & Leadership Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
rushdm | Rush, Dave | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
hwr2223 | Rusher, Holly | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
mrr829 | Ruth, Matt | Admissions Undergraduate Enrollment |
Director of Enrollment Operations |
ruttj | Rutt, Jack | Emeriti | Administrator Emeritus |
aks4887 | Safran, Aniko | Visual & Communication Arts | Adjunct Faculty |
dls2257 | Salli, Danilo | Counseling Services | Affiliate - Counseling Services |
jds5384 | Samsoe, Jeremy | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Director of IEP |
ljs2236 | Sauder, Lisa | EMU at Lancaster | Associate Registrar |
mms326 | Sawin, Mark Metzler | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Honors Program History & Political Science |
Professor of History; Director - Honors Program; Program Director - History & Political Science |
kzs6538 | Schaeffer, Kory | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Director of Programs |
kds273 | Schmidt, Kimberly | Emeriti School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts |
Faculty Emerita |
kls3969 | Schmidt, Kristopher | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biomedicine Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Associate Professor of Biology; Program Director - Biomedicine |
zzs2353 | Schrock-Hurst, Caleb | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
szb3242 | Schrock-Hurst, Stephanie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
smh2246 | Schultz Huxman, Dr. Susan | President's Office | President |
les6426 | Schupner, Lauren | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts | Adjunct Faculty |
ks323 | Seidel, Kevin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Professor of English; Program Director - Language & Literature |
tzs2828 | Seidel, Timothy | School of Social Sciences and Professions Center for Interfaith Engagement Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies |
Associate Professor of Community & International Development |
ezr2463 | Servant, Emily | Seminary | Adjunct Faculty |
jms737 | Shank, Julie | Academic Support Academic Success Center |
ASC and Writing Program Assistant |
shankw | Shank, Wendell | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Instructor of Spanish |
ars6727 | Shank Zehr, Adrian | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Affiliate - BACH Festival and Music Gala |
kis274 | Shank Zehr, Kris | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
Adjunct Faculty |
yas2222 | Shapovalov, Yelisey | Institutional Research and Effectiveness | Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness |
cas2269 | Sharp, Chris | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
czs3443 | Shell, Crixell | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing CJP - Summer Peacebuilding Institute |
Affiliate - SPI Instructor |
mds2252 | Shelley, Michael | EMU at Lancaster Information Technology |
Educational Technology Analyst |
szs6642 | Shelton, Shelby | Adjunct Faculty | |
shenkaj | Shenk, Audrey | Academic Support Library |
Systems Librarian |
shenkp | Shenk, Peggy | Emeriti | Administrator Emerita |
sls398 | Shenk, Selah | Business Office | Student Finance Manager |
sgs2243 | Sherzad, Selena | Academic Support Student Life |
Coach-Link Coach |
hms5983 | Shirkey, Heathr | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing | Adjunct Faculty |
kls765 | Shisler, Kirk | Advancement Division | Vice President for Advancement |
djs3577 | Shober, Darla | EMU at Lancaster | Business Operations Specialist |
sas2256 | Shock, Steffany | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate Prep Music |
showalda | Showalter, Daniel | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Mathematics & Computer Science |
Associate Professor of Mathematics; Program Director - Mathematics & Computer Science |
reyesm | Showalter, M Esther | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Instructor of Spanish Language & Hispanic Studies; Program Director - Language & Literature |
showaltm | Showalter, Millard | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Mathematics |
showalva | Showalter, Virginia | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
kellerm | Shristi, Micah | Student Life International Student Services |
Director of International Student Services |
hzs2494 | Shultz, Hannah | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program Preparatory Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
rms2227 | Shultz, Ron | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Associate Professor of Elementary Education |
jws2249 | Sibole Jr, John | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster Leadership & Org Management, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
ms826 | Siderhurst, Matthew | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Biomedicine |
Affiliate Research Professor of Chemistry |
cls3375 | Simmons, Christina | Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster | Adjunct Faculty |
ps459 | Simmons, Priscilla | Lancaster RN to BS School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing |
Faculty Emerita/Nursing |
cs858 | Smeltzer Erb, Cathy | Provost's Office Academic Success Center |
Professor of Teacher Education; Director - Academic Success Center |
ads2246 | Smiley, Aundrea | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education |
ics2222 | Smith, Ian | Athletics | Staff Athletic Trainer |
ks969 | Smith, Kathy | School of Social Sciences and Professions Seminary |
Operations and Finance Director |
mzs3827 | Smith, Markeith | Safety and Security | Affiliate - Campus Security Officer |
grs764 | Smith Jr, Buck | Athletics | Associate Athletics Director of Operations |
mrs735 | Snyder, Raluca | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
jzs6768 | Sochacki, James | Adjunct Faculty | |
azs6387 | Spotts, Angie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Health & Physical Education EMU Core Curriculum |
Instructor of Health & Physical Education |
sprungms | Sprunger, Mary | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Professor of History |
tbs2225 | Stanley, Tyler | Student Life | Area Coordinator for Campus Life |
bas995 | Stauffer, Bev | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
cjs989 | Stauffer, Carolyn | School of Social Sciences and Professions Social Work Graduate Business & Leadership |
Adjunct Faculty |
gzs2376 | Stauffer, Graham | Advancement Division | Data Analytics Coordinator and Prospect Research Analyst |
rls543 | Stees, Rhonda | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Preparatory Music |
Affiliate - Prep Music |
zrs2438 | Steffy, Richard | EMU at Lancaster Leadership & Org Management Aviation, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
cbs2233 | Steinbrecher, Casey | Athletics | Head Women's Volleyball Coach |
steinerd | Steiner, Don | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Professor Emeritus |
bes3295 | Steller, Bridget | School of Social Sciences and Professions Early Learning Center |
Director/Teacher Early Learning Center |
mts3688 | Stellwag, Mike | Facilities Management | Affiliate - Aramark - Maintenance Supervisor |
els939 | Stenson, Esther | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
jms5528 | Stephens, Jacob | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature Intensive English Program |
Adjunct Faculty |
ams6882 | Stoddard, Andrew | Athletics | Athletic Communications Director |
stoltzeb | Stoltzfus, Edward | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Theology |
sbj657 | Stoneberger, Staci | Adjunct Faculty | |
cms2242 | Stover, Catherine | EMU at Lancaster | Associate Director Marketing & Communication, Lancaster |
jzs6789 | Stover, Julian | Athletics | Assistant Coach - Men's Basketball |
bhs2227 | Strawderman, Brent | Athletics | Assistant Baseball Coach |
jfs2232 | Strawderman, Jessica | Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir | |
tls2239 | Stuckey, Tom | Adjunct Faculty | |
stutzmal | Stutzman, Linford | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
jms354 | Styer, Jon | Marketing & Communications | Affiliate |
kos4234 | Suckau, Krishana | Lancaster RN to BS School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
azs4949 | Suderman, Andrew | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Theology & Religion |
Affiliate Associate Professor |
jds558 | Swartz, Jonathan | Student Life School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Associate Dean of Students |
les368 | Swartzendruber, Loren | Emeriti | President Emeritus |
swartzt | Swartzendruber, Tim | Advancement Division | Senior Regional Advancement Director |
kls352 | Swartzentruber, Kendal | Education Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
lgs957 | Swartzentruber, Lucinda | Adjunct Faculty | |
kos4233 | Szambecki, Kate | Marketing & Communications | Recruitment Marketing Manager |
pas2672 | Szelwach Jr, Peter | Athletics | Track & Field Assistant Coach - Throws |
rst2226 | Tan, Rachel | School of Social Sciences and Professions Early Learning Center |
ELC Assistant Teacher |
jmt6354 | Taylor, Jaylon | Safety and Security | Affiliate - Campus Security Officer |
jwt2229 | Taylor, Joe | Athletics | Head Strength & Conditioning Coach |
slt2228 | Taylor, Ray Ray | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
tft887 | Taylor, Timothy | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
ct765 | Thomas, Celeste | Student Life Multicultural Services |
Director of Multicultural Student Services |
lat2229 | Thompson, Laura | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Adjunct Faculty |
mmt2233 | Tibbles, Matt | School of Social Sciences and Professions Peacebuilding, Development, & Global Studies CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Adjunct Faculty |
hersheyj | Tieszen, Julie | Human Resources | Payroll Administrator |
alt2238 | Tobey, Amber | Academic Support Registrar's Office |
Assistant Registrar |
cat949 | Tobin, Carol | Faith and Spiritual Life | Affiliate - Faith & Spiritual Life |
szt2584 | Toth, Stephanie | Visual & Communication Arts | Adjunct Faculty |
kdt6228 | Townsend, Kaitlyn | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
SVCC Instructor |
cwt2222 | Trevitte, Chad | Academic Support Retention & Advising |
First Year Advisor |
trottetj | Trotter, Travis | Academic Support Registrar's Office |
University Registrar |
trottert | Trotter Nussbaum, Trina | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Center for Interfaith Engagement |
Associate Director - CIE |
glt2223 | Troxell, Gary | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
klt2535 | Tucker, Kathryn | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Intensive English Program |
Tutor - IEP |
jlw955 | Turner, Jennifer | Education | Adjunct Faculty |
jkt2234 | Twery, Josh | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts History & Political Science |
Adjunct Faculty |
tysond | Tyson, Don | Emeriti Master of Science in Nursing Nursing |
Professor Emeritus/Nursing |
ulrichjm | Ulrich, Jennifer | Academic Support Library |
Interim Director of Libraries and Technical Service Librarian |
gcv2236 | VanBuskirk, Chris | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
mnv2224 | Vasquez Sierra, Melvin | Information Technology | Endpoint Systems Analyst |
mdv2224 | Via, Mikayla | Athletics | Women's Basketball Assistant Coach |
mav2224 | Villacrusis, Michael | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
ldv2222 | Vucic, Luther | Advancement | Affiliate |
akw3696 | Wadhwa, Anita | Education | Adjunct Faculty |
waglert | Wagler, Trent | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
knw2229 | Waldron-Allen, Kyra | School of Social Sciences and Professions Early Learning Center |
ELC Assistant Teacher |
kaw2259 | Watson, Kim | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice |
Adjunct Faculty |
weaverdj | Weaver, Dorothy Jean | Seminary | Professor Emerita/Seminary |
lcw2826 | Weaver, Lain | Financial Assistance | Financial Aid Counselor |
rzw2626 | Weaver, Robert | Theater | Affiliate Theater |
weaverso | Weaver, Sam | Emeriti | Administrator Emeritus/Development |
emw2239 | Weldon, Erin | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir Preparatory Music |
Preparatory Music and SVCC Manager |
sw964 | Wenger, Sheri | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster General Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
aw975 | Westfall, Anna | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Visual & Communication Arts |
Associate Professor of Art; Program Director - Visual & Communication Arts |
bcw2878 | Wheatley, Barbara | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Associate Professor of Education |
vlw2225 | White, Venissa | Student Life | Project Director |
skw2229 | Whitson, Stephanie | Graduate & Professional Recruitment | Director of Graduate Admissions |
kcw652 | Wiedemann, Kelly | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Music |
Adjunct Faculty |
wiensag | Wiens, Arlene | Emeriti | Professor Emerita/Nursing |
amw6444 | Wilck, Allison | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Psychology |
Adjunct Faculty |
tdw6237 | Willingham, Tynisha | Provost's Office | Provost |
mw594 | Wilson, Melody | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
mlw497 | Wintsch, Misty | EMU at Lancaster Lancaster RN to BS |
Adjunct Faculty |
alw6449 | Wirdzek, Adam | Marketing & Communications | Web Content and Strategy Manager |
njw2222 | Wise, Nancy | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Lancaster RN to BS Master of Science in Nursing |
Adjunct Faculty |
lew583 | Witmer, Linda | Lancaster RN to BS | Adjunct Faculty |
hallsf | Wittig, Sara | President's Office | Administrative Assistant for Administrative Suite |
jcw2242 | Wolfe, Jelisa | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
Adjunct Faculty |
czy2434 | Yalcin, Cuneyt | Adjunct Faculty | |
lzy2347 | Yang, Leslie | Preparatory Music | Affiliate - Prep Music |
eck2225 | Yavny, Eve | School of Social Sciences and Professions Preparatory Music |
Affiliate Prep Music |
mby2222 | Yirga, Merry | Admissions Undergraduate | Admissions Counselor |
yoderas | Yoder, Adam | Curricular Support Intercultural Studies |
Adjunct Faculty |
azy2257 | Yoder, Alena | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Academic Program Coordinator |
bly659 | Yoder, Bonnie | School of Social Sciences and Professions Education |
Adjunct Faculty |
yoderc | Yoder, Carroll | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/French |
yoderjm | Yoder, Jim | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
Professor of Biology; Program Director - Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science |
lag996 | Yoder, Laura | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Nursing |
Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Nursing |
lay836 | Yoder, Laurie | School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science Mathematics & Computer Science |
Associate Professor of Chemistry |
yoderlm | Yoder, Lawrence | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
yoderld | Yoder, Lonnie | Seminary | Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
yoderpj | Yoder, Paul J. | School of Social Sciences and Professions Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg Education |
Associate Professor of Education; Program Director - Graduate Teacher Education, Harrisonburg |
yoderra | Yoder, Rick | Emeriti | Professor Emeritus/Business |
mcy446 | Young, Michael | EMU at Lancaster Graduate Teacher Education, Lancaster |
Adjunct Faculty |
hmy228 | Youssef, Hala | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Language & Literature |
Adjunct Faculty |
zehrh | Zehr, Howard | School of Social Sciences and Professions CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding |
Professor of Conflict Studies |
maz248 | Zehr, Mary Ann | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Writing & Communication Academic Success Center |
Assistant Professor of Rhetoric & Composition; Program Director - Writing & Communication |
zehrpm | Zehr, Paul | Seminary EMU at Lancaster |
Professor Emeritus/Seminary |
xxz2222 | Zhang, Nina | Academic Support Retention & Advising |
First Year Advisor |
zookdj | Zook, Daniel | Information Technology | Network Engineer |
edz588 | Zook, Ethan | School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir |
Affiliate - SVCC |
jzz2448 | Zyko, Jeanette | Adjunct Faculty |