Stephen Cessna

Professor of Chemistry
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Science
LocationSuter Science Center 026H
- BA, University of Colorado at Boulder (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
- PHD, Purdue University (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
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Steve received his BA in chemistry and biochemistry in Colorado in 1991 and then taught middle school math and science in Lesotho in southern Africa. After returning to the US in 1995, getting married and moving to Indiana, Steve finished a PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2000. At EMU, Steve teaches courses in introductory biology, chemistry, biochemistry, botany and sustainability.
He is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, an international journal published by EMU in collaboration with Executive Editor Dr. Nuri Balta of Suleyman Demril University, Kazahkstan.
Dr. Cessna’s research interests include:
- STEM student retention
- Teaching the nature of science
- Measuring terpenoid, oxidant and anti-oxidant content in plants responding to stresses
Mission Statement
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Scholarly Presentations and Abstracts
Presentations in the last 10 years:
S Cessna The ‘knot of contradictions’: Dialectical tensions that describe the varied experiences and shifting attitudes of students in relation to the lab curriculum. A talk for the Biennial Conference for Chemical Education, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, July, 2018
S Cessna. How do you alter a university culture? A summary of interventions aimed at shifting a small college’s STEM division for better retention of under-represented groups. A talk for the Biennial Conference for Chemical Education, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, July, 2018
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh, Improving retention through teaching strategies and peer tutoring. A talk for the 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Washington D.C., August, 2017
S Cessna, L Britt, A grounded theory study of undergraduate student identity and their (mis)understanding the nature of science and chemistry. A talk for the Biennial Conference for Chemistry Education, Northern Colorado University, Greeley, CO, August, 2016
S Cessna, A qualitative assessment of student experience of an authentic research project in general chemistry. A talk for the Biennial Conference for Chemistry Education, Northern Colorado University, Greeley, CO, August, 2016
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh, Early authentic research projects and teaching the nature of science. An invited talk for the Biennial Conference for Chemistry Education, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI, August 4, 2014
S Cessna, D Graber Neufeld, Promoting learning through authentic and relevant research experiences in environmental monitoring and remediation across ten chemistry and biology courses. A poster presentation to the Council for Undergraduate Research Pre-ISSOTL Symposium, October 2, 2013
S Cessna, Teaching the Nature of Science through Inquiry in Chemistry, an invited presentation for the Summer Physics and Chemistry Modeling Workshops for High School Teachers , Ohio State STEM Outreach, New Albany High School, New Albany, OH, 6/27/2013
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh. Promoting learning through authentic and relevant research experiences in environmental monitoring and remediation across ten chemistry and biology courses. Invited poster presentation to the NSF/AAAS TUES/CCLI Primary Investigators Biannual Meeting, Washington D.C. 2/2013
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh. Workshop: Authentic Research Projects in the Teaching Lab: Inception, Implementation, and Assessment for Learning, NSF/AAAS TUES/CCLI Primary Investigators Biannual Meeting , Washington D.C., 2/2013
S Cessna, L Leaman. Promoting learning through authentic and relevant research experiences in environmental monitoring and remediation across ten chemistry and biology courses. Invited oral presentation to the 244th Biannual Meeting of the American Chemical Society , Philadelphia, PA, 8/2012
T Kishbaugh, S Cessna, D Graber Neufeld. Service learning to enhance the environmental chemistry curriculum. Oral presentation to the 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, State College, PA, 8/1/2012
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh. Tracking the development of the nature of science understanding over an undergraduate STEM career. Oral presentation to the 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, State College, PA, 8/1/2012
S Cessna, T Kishbaugh. A report on using copper phytoremediation projects for teaching second semester general chemistry concepts and skills. Invited oral presentation to the 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, State College, PA, 7/31/2012
T Kishbaugh, S Cessna. Implementing a ‘Research Across the Curriculum’ program in the chemistry and biology departments. Oral presentation to the 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education, State College, PA, 7/29/2012
S Cessna, T Flanagan, D Graber Neufeld, SJ Horst, T Kishbaugh, L Leaman, M Siderhurst. Promoting Learning through Authentic and Relevant Research Experiences in Environmental Monitoring and Remediation across Ten Chemistry and Biology Courses. Poster Presentation: Biennial meeting of the NSF-CCLI Primary Investigators, February, 2011.
Church, Community and Professional Service
- Editor in Chief, JRSMTE: the Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
Honors, Awards and Grants
- "STEM Scholars Engaging in Local Problems" - A National Science Foundation SSTEM grant, $649, 998 (PI: Kishbaugh, Co-PIs: Cessna, Tian, King, Showalter) 2018
- “Faculty-Led Institutional Transformation for Teaching Diverse Learners in STEM” — A National Science Foundation IUSE grant , $299,967 (PI: Cessna, Co-PIs: Kishbaugh, Leaman, Lepley, Showalter) 2016
- Outstanding Associate Editor , 2014, Natural Sciences Education
- “Sustaining Organic Blueberry Production: Analysis of Practices and Assessing Outcomes” — A USDA Block Grant through the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (PI: Roman Miller , Co-PIs: Kishbaugh and Cessna ) $26,300, 2011
- “Promoting learning through authentic and relevant research experiences in environmental monitoring and remediation across ten chemistry and biology laboratory courses” — A National Science Foundation – CCLI grant (PI: Cessna, Co-PIs: Kishbaugh, Neufeld, Siderhurst and Leaman) $137,932; 5/09
- “Acquisition of Instrumentation to Support Integrated Research and Teaching in Interdisciplinary Environmental Plant Biology” — A National Science Foundation – Major Research Instrumentation grant (PI: Cessna; CoPI: Yoder) $103,130; 9/08
- “A sabbatical to investigate the relationships of protective measures against excess light, antioxidants, defense signals, and drought stress in plants” – A United States Department of Agriculture National Research Initiative, Agricultural Research Enhancement Award. $67,000; 5/07
- “LEEF for EMU” – A grant from LiCor , manufacturers of instrumentation for plant/crop assessment. $25,000 3/07 and 1/08
- “REU: Shenandoah Valley Molecular Biology” A National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, in collaboration with the biology departments at James Madison University and Bridgewater College. (PI: Rife; Co-PIs: Monroe, Temple; Co-administrators: Cessna and Puffenbarger) $216,000; 2/07-1/10.
- “Reactive oxygen production during salinity tolerance responses in tobacco cells: Relationship to Ca2+ fluxes” – A Jeffress Research Grant from the Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust: Cessna SG $30,000; 1/02; First renewal: $10,000; 1/03; Second renewal: $10,000; 1/04
Professional Memberships
- Council on Undergraduate Research
- American Chemical Society
EMU Service
- Committee on Teacher Education (including the TEAC subcommittee)
- Title IX Review Board, Appeals Board Chair
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee
- Pre-Professional Health Sciences Advisors Committee
- Undergraduate Core Revision Committee
- SEAN CRC member