Cathy Rittenhouse

Associate Professor of Nursing; Program Director - Master of Science in Nursing
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
LocationCampus Center 334
Phone(540) 432-4188
- BS, Eastern Mennonite University (Nursing)
- MSN, University of Pennsylvania (Nursing: Obstetric/Gynecology Nurse Practitioner)
- DNP, Eastern Mennonite University
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Mission Statement
I am passionate about and love to teach students to become nurses who are prepared to function safely and provide quality care in a demanding and ever-changing health care environment. I choose to teach at EMU because I believe nurses who graduate from EMU are equipped to practice holistically by forming a partnership with their patients and acting as serving leaders. The University mission and philosophy to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God is crucial in my approach to teaching as I believe that faith is demonstrated in action.
Other Presentations
PiMu Induction Ceremony, March, 2020
Incivility in Nursing, Augusta Health Education Committee, May 2019
Update on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Shenandoah Region Nurse Practitioners, Harrisonburg, VA April 23, 2015
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, December 2012
“Use of Simulation in Critical Care”, Virginia Area Simulation Association, November, 2012
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, April 2012
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, December, 2011
“Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome”, Virginia Council of Nurse Practioners Regional Conference, Waynesboro, VA May 13, 2011
“Labs, Pieces of the Diagnostic Puzzle”, Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, VA December 21, 2010
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, December 7, 2010
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, May 1, 2010
Real World Program, Eastern Mennonite University: “Women’s Health Hot Topics”, November 10, 2009
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, Eastern Mennonite University, April 28, 2009
Health Benefits of Exercise – presented to New Beginnings Fall Meeting, Marion ,VA 10/05/07
Church, Community and Professional Service
Virginia Action Coalition for Education Progression in Nursing, 2011-present
National League for Nursing Faculty Ambassador, 2010 – 2014
NCSBN NCLEX Item Developer, 2010-present
Secretary, Shenandoah Chapter VCNP, 2010-2015
Nurse Practitioner volunteer at Harrisonburg/Rockingham Free Clinic for GYN Clinic once per month, 1996 – 2018
Eastern Mennonite University Health Center, 2009 – present
Certifications and Licenses
RN 0001150311
Nurse Practitioner – OB/GYN 0024150311
Authorization to Prescribe 0017001224
National Certification as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner ERN1-0426-9164
Professional Memberships
Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society
American Nurses Association
Virginia Nurses Association
Professional Conferences Attended
Calling All Disruptors for the Future of Nursing, 4/27,28/22 Virginia Nurses Association
2021 Virtual NCLEX conference, 9/30/21, National Council State Boards of Nursing
Creating a Multicultural Foundation for Nursing, 4/21/21, Virginia Nurses Associateion
Investigation of Sex Crimes Training, Charlottesville, VA, 6/15
NCSBN NCLEX Conference, Charlotte, NC, 9/14
Cardiovascular Conference, 4/12/14, Winchester, VA
Women’s Health Concerns, 1/26/14, Charlottesville, VA
NCSBN NCLEX Conference, Boston, MA September 2012
NLN Leadership Conference, 6/11, Baltimore, MD
Shenandoah Region Nurse Practitioner Conference, 5/13/2011, Waynesboro, VA
Cardiovascular Conference, 4/16/2011, Winchester, VA
Critical Care Conference, 10/15/2010, Winchester, VA National League for Nurses Annual Convention, 09/23-26/2009, Philadelphia, PA
Gestational Diabetes, 10/20/2009, Charlottesville, VA
Cardiovascular Conference, 04/17/2010, Winchester, VA
Shenandoah Region Nurse Practitioner Conference, 05/14/2010, Harrisonburg, VA
Virginia Organization of Nurse Executives, Fall Conference 10/2008
Pi Mu Professional Development Day, 3/30/2009
Pi Mu Professional Day 4/17/08
New Courses Taught
Honors Course: Addiction, Spring semester, 2019
Testing Success Workshop for new Level 1 nursing students, 2015-16
EMU Service
Title IX Steering Committee – committee member 2017
Chairperson URB for Title IX hearings, 2015-2019
Faculty Senate Secretary 8/2013-5/2017
EMU URB Member for 3 hearings, serving as Chair for 2, 2014-2015
Chair, Search Committee for Social Work Director Position, 2013-2014
Undergraduate Dean Search Committee, 2012 – 2013
Creation Care Council, 2011-2014
Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Academics Committee, 2011-2012
Acting Nursing Dept. Chair, 3/2011-4/2011
Chairperson, Search Committee for Nursing Dept Chair Position, 2010, 2011
Service on EMU ADCP Admissions Review Committee 2008-2016
Faculty adviser to EMU SNA (Student Nurses Association) 2008-2016
Nursing Student Affairs Committee, Eastern Mennonite University, 2008 – present