Donald Clymer

Faculty Emeritus/Spanish
- BA, Goshen College
- AA, Hesston College
- MA, Wichita State University
- MA, Eastern Mennonite Seminary (Christian Leadership)
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Don Clymer has broad international experience in Latin America and Europe in both church-related service and academics. Prior to EMU, he taught Spanish, German and Latin American studies at Hesston (Kas.) College and directed their Global Issues Seminar. Along with teaching Spanish at EMU, Don and his spouse led four cross-cultural seminars to Guatemala and Mexico. He has graduate degrees in both Spanish Literature and Spiritual Formation.
Don served five years as director of EMU’s Cross-cultural Programs. In 2006 he returned full-time to the classroom. In May, 2016, Don retired from 34 years of teaching, and spent the first year of his retirement in Switzerland leading seminars on spirituality and culture and translating a play from Swiss German to English.
Bringing his many experiences together has led Don to explore in depth the intersection of cross-cultural experiences and spiritual formation.
Don is the author of numerous articles in a variety of journals and has published three books Meditations on the Beatitudes: Lessons from the Margins published by Cascadia Publishing House, The Spacious Heart: Room for Spiritual Awakening, published by Herald Press and Malinda in Mexico, an illustrated children’s book published by Ettelloc Publishing.
He blogs regularly at Klymer Klatsch and has a writer’s page on Good Reads.
Mission Statement
Church, Community and Professional Service
- Led discussions on my book “Meditations on the Beatitudes” at Ridgeway Mennonite June 18, 25, July 2, 9, and August 13.
- Preached at Ridgeway Mennonite church, June 15, 2014.
- Led Discernment Retreat for Blue Ridge Ministries, May 3, 2014.
- Spoke for “Retired Christian Workers” at a luncheon at EMHS, March 19, 2013.
- Spoke for “Thought for the Day” at Village Hall for Village residents at VMRC, February 13, 2013
- Board of Directors, Blue Ridge Ministries, Harrisonburg, VA, 2013 -
- Delegate for Lindale Mennonite Church to Virginia Mennonite Conference, 2012 -
- Co-led men’s spirituality retreat “Wildman’s Ride” for Blue Ridge Ministries, November 2-3, 2012.
- Presented message “Oh, you poor soul!” Based on the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in Spirit,” Matthew 5: 3, Springdale Mennonite Church, August 12, 2012.
- Presented message “La transfiguración de Jesús: datos históricos y místicos” (The Transfiguration of Jesus: Historical and Mystical Details) based on Mark 9: 2-10, Iglesia Menonita Casa Horeb, Guatemala City, March 4, 2012.
- Presented meditation “El Señor cuida el el camino de sus hijos/hijas” (The LORD watches over the way of his children ) based on Psalm 1, SEMILLA (Latin American Anabaptist Seminary), Guatemala City, February 28, 2012.
- Presented the meditation at my mother’s memorial service, Landis Homes, Lititz, Pa, December 17, 2011.
- Led 3-day Spiritual Retreat for MCC personnel in Nicaragua based on my book Meditations on the Beatitudes. November 25-27, 2011.
- Presented seminar “Inter-cultural Communication” for Virginia Mennonite Missions TranSend Orientations in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012.
- Reviewed 4th Edition of Vistas textbook. Vista Higher Learning, 2012.
- Presented “Christian Formation in the Home,” Lindale Mennonite Church, October 6, 2010.
- Presented “Resting in the Presence of God: Letting Our Souls Catch Up With the Rest of Us During Times of High Stress and Busyness,” Faculty/Staff Conference, August 18, 2010.
- “Using YouTube and other Internet resources to teach culture in the language classroom,” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, July 2010.
- Presented message “Los primeros serán los últimos y los últimos serán los primeros” (The First Shall Be Last and the Last Shall Be First) based on John 13, Iglesia Fraternidad Cristiana Anabautista Menonita, Mexico City, April 1, 2010.
- Presented meditation “El Dios de sorpresas” (The God of Surprises) based on Luke 2: 8-38, SEMILLA (Latin American Anabaptist Seminary), Guatemala City, February 23, 2010.
- Presented message “El llamado de Pedro” (The Call of Peter) based on Luke 5, Iglesia Menonite Casa Horeb, Guatemala City, February 7, 2010.
- Latin American consultant for Virginia Mennonite Missions.
- Member of VMM Missionary Support Team for Peter Lehman serving in Costa Rica.
- Presented at Hesston College Centennial Celebration, “Importance of international education from both international students on campus and study abroad,” September 26, 2009.
- Presented message “Striving for Bread,” The Table, August 2, 2009.
- “Radical Servanthood: Lessons from the Margins,” Presented for orientation of Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions TranSend orientation, July 23, 2009.
- “Developing an Internet-based Spanish Conversation or Intermediate Spanish II Syllabus,” American Association for Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 11, 2009.
- Presented message at Lindale Mennonite Church Retreat “Resting in the Presence of God,” June 14, 2009.
- Volunteer Chaplain Associate for Spanish speaking patients at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, 2007 – 2010.
- Member of VMM Missionary Support Team for Lars Åkerson and Jon Spicher and Bike Movement Americas 2009.
- Pastoral Care Team Lindale Mennonite Church, 2007 – Present.
- Presented 4-part seminar on “Spiritual Formation and Discernment” for Lindale Sunday School Class 2006.
- Translator for Patchwork Pantry, a food bank in Harrisonburg, VA.
- Member of Mennonite Central Committee’s East Coast Board of Directors and Nominating Committee 2000- 2006.
- Member of Virginia Mennonite Conference Council 2002-2005.
- Chair of Northern District of Virginia Mennonite Conference 2002-2005.
- Board of elders, Lindale Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, VA 1997-2000; 2003-present.
- MCC East Coast Board Representative for Virginia Mennonite Conference, 2001-2007
- Mennonite Central Committee in Guatemala for four months and Mexico for three years, 1976; 1986-1989
- Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions in Honduras 1968-1970; 1973
Honors, Awards and Grants
- Scholarly Achievement Award for excellence in Spiritual Formation, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 2008
- Danforth Scholarship nomination for academic excellence in Spanish language and literature, Wichita State University, 1980
- Member Sigma Delta Pi, National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
- Spiritual Directors International
Professional Conferences Attended
- 2012 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- 2011 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Washington, DC
- 2010 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Guadalajara, Mexico
- 2009 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2008 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, San José, Costa Rica
New Courses Taught
- Revised Intermediate Spanish I and II with new course materials
- Revised Spanish Conversation and Readings with new course materials
- Hispanic American Civilization
- Contemporary Latin American Theater
- Supervised practicum for 2 TESOL students
- Supervised student teaching for 2 Spanish Education majors
- Senior Seminar: An Exploration of Suffering
EMU Service
- Gave Devotional at Undergraduate Faculty meeting, February 23, 2015
- Spoke in University Chapel on “The Prodigal Son: Mercy and Schadenfreude,” September 12, 2014.
- Lecture on “Lessons from the Margins” Balkans Cross-Cultural Orientation, August 26, 2014.
- Lecture on “Crossing Cultural Spaces” for Spain/Morocco Cross-Cultural Orientation, August 27, 2013.
- Lecture on “Crossing Cultural Spaces” for Guatemala/Colombia Cross-Cultural Orientation, January 8, 2103
- Devotional for Guatemala/Colombia Cross-Cultural Orientation, January 8, 2103
- Department Chapel “What do Mennonite Voluntary Service, Spanish professor and a degree in spiritual formation from Eastern Mennonite Seminary have in common?”, November 7, 2012
- Spoke on “Food, Culture and Sustainability” for Food and Farming Week coffee house, October 4, 2011
- Attachment Conference Breakout Session “Home Stay Experience and Attachment to Culture,” April 1, 2011
- Chapel reflection on Luke 4, January 26, 2011
- Cross-cultural leader mentor, Fall 2010 -
- CRC for Music Department, Fall 2010
- Alternative Chapel Planning Committee, Fall 2010
- Search Committee for Spanish position 2010-2011
- MCC/EMU Reference Committee 2001- present
- Campus Ministries Council 2008 – present
- Mutual Aid Committee 2008 – present
- Search Committee for Spanish position 2008-2009
- Library Committee 2007 – 2008
- Academic Integrity Committee 2008
- Honor’s student mentor 2007 – 2008
- Senior Class Advisor 2008 – 2009
- New faculty mentor 2008 -2009
- Guest speaker, EMU December Graduation Recognition, Dec. 5, 2008
- Crossing Cultural Spaces guest lecture for Guatemala/Nicaragua cross-cultural seminar, Jan. 2009
- Who is My Neighbor: Exploring Christian Faith Stories guest lecture for Transitions Class, (two times) Nov. 2009