Chad Gusler

Associate Professor of Language & Literature
School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts
Language & Literature
LocationRoselawn Academic 215
- BS, Eastern Mennonite University (Bibical Studies & Theology)
- MA, Eastern Mennonite Seminary (Religion)
- MFA, Seattle Pacific University (Creative Writing)
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Chad Gusler holds an MFA in fiction writing from Seattle Pacific University and an MA in religious studies from Eastern Mennonite Seminary. His stories have been published or are forthcoming in Broad River Review, Driftwood, Southwest Review, Punt Volat, Relief, The Other Journal, and elsewhere. His short story “flyBaby,” recently published by The Maine Review, was a finalist for the 2020 Calvino Award, judged by Joyce Carol Oates, and his short story, "Man of Sorrows," is a 2022 finalist for the Ron Rash Award in fiction (Maurice Carlos Ruffin, judge).
In addition to his teaching duties at EMU, Chad helps coach swimming with the EMU varsity women's triathlon team.
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Scholarly Presentations and Abstracts
Crossing the limen: Co-teaching and student engagement, Innovation in Pedagogy Summit, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 2015
Fiction: Tradition and Transformation: “The Thing She Rode” (short story presentation); Mennonite/s Writing VII, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, California, March 2015
From Collaboration to Co-Teaching: Is Co-Teaching an Effective Method for Integrating Information Literacy Instruction into First-Year Composition courses? Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU), Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, May 2012
From Collaboration to Co-Teaching: Is Co-Teaching an Effective Method for Integrating Information Literacy Instruction into First-Year Composition courses? Information Literacy Summit at Moraine Valley Community College, Chicago, Illinois, May 2012
From Collaboration to Co-Teaching: Is Co-Teaching an Effective Method for Integrating Information Literacy Instruction into First-Year Composition courses? Illinois Center for Information Literacy at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois, May 2012
Other Presentations
“Men, Women, and Feminism,” panelist for Eastern Mennonite Student Women Association
Fear, Love, and Wanderlust: An Address in Three Parts, Eastern Mennonite University Baccalaureate Address, April 2016
“We Can’t Talk About Sexual Assault If We Don’t Talk About Sex” panelist for the Coalition on Sexual Violence Prevention, Eastern Mennonite University, April 2016
Research as Art and Transformation, Eastern Mennonite University, September 2010
Video Web Applications: Writing Tips for Web Logs, Eastern Mennonite University, March 2010
Seeing and Journeying: Kokoro in the Writings of Annie Dillard and Basho, Eastern Mennonite University, Honors Colloquium, January 2010
The City in Literature, Eastern Mennonite University, September 2007
The Arts in Education, James Madison University, March 2004
Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetics, Eastern Mennonite University, March 2004
Exhibits, Performances and Productions
Love and Other Afflictions; The Golden Pony, February, 2022
The Maine Review; an online international reading hosted by The Maine Review, January, 2022
The Telephone Show; Larkin Arts Center, Wine-Riner Galleries, December, 2016
The Translated Word: A Reading and Discussion on Art and Translation; Staunton, Virginia, April 2014
Basho: A Celebration of Haiku; Harrisonburg, Virginia, October 2013
Black Swan Reading; Staunton, Virginia, June 2013
Howl and Echo: A Poetic Tribute to Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac; Harrisonburg, Virginia, March 2013
What I Assume You Shall Become: A Poetic Tribute to Walt Whitman; Harrisonburg, Virginia, September 2012
Dead Feathers: A Public Reading of Prose and Poetry; Staunton, Virginia, August 2011
Tongue Screws and Testimonies; a public reading in Harrisonburg, Virginia, at the Arts Council of the Valley’s Smith House, January 2011
Tongue Screws and Testimonies; a public reading at Eastern Mennonite University, November 2010
A reading at the Virginia Festival of the Book, Charlottesville, Virginia, March 2002
Courses Taught
- Argumentative Writing
- College Writing
- Creative Nonfiction Workshop
- Expository Writing
- Fiction Workshop
- Honors Colloquium: Acts of Resistence: Walking, Pilgrimage, and Rock and Roll
- Introduction to Creative Writing
- Introductory College Writing
- News and Feature Writing
- Rhetoric of the Natural and Social Sciences
- Senior Seminar: By the Sweat of our Brow: Work, Calling, and Purpose
- Senior Seminar: Following Roots, Finding Wings
- Senior Seminar: On Trails
- Senior Seminar: Seeing with the Self (CORE 401)
- Transitions (CORE 101)
- Weather Vane (student newspaper) Practicum
Attached CV
Updated 8/17/2018