Ann Hershberger

Professor Emerita/Nursing
LocationCampus Center 232A
- BS, Eastern Mennonite University (Nursing)
- MSN, University of Virginia
- PHD, University of Virginia
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Ann Graber Hershberger has worked in family health, community health, international health, and nursing education since 1976. Ann and her husband Jim, director of Church World Service Harrisonburg Refugee Resettlement Program, have spent 10 years in church sponsored service in Central America. She earned her PhD from the University of Virginia; completing a dissertation entitled “A case study of relationships between Nicaraguan non-governmental health organizations, communities served, donor agencies, and the Ministry of Health.” She spent the 1999-2000 academic year in Nicaragua researching the project. Other research includes the experiences of families in Guatemala and West Bank, Palestine who have hosted EMU Cross Cultural students over the last decades. She has been a consultant for a Nursing School in Nicaragua, and has been on various boards of MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) since 1997, and is currently the chair of MCC U.S. Mother of three adult children, grandmother of three, she enjoys speaking Spanish, reading, gardening, and sitting on her porch.
Mission Statement
My desire is to connect student learning needs with needs in the local and global community so as to create the space for sacred conversations, mutual transformation, lifelong learning, and joyful, faithful, living.
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Scholarly Presentations and Abstracts
Leading at the edge of chaos: Lessons from Nehemiah Workshop (with Jim Smucker) at MDS annual meeting. Hartville, Ohio. February, 2015.
We do more harm than good. The paradoxes of global health mission or education trips. Fall Pi Mu Nursing Honor Society meeting. Harrisonburg, VA.October, 2014.
_Health promoters as practitioners: Lessons from Guatemala._Co-submitter with MSN student. (peer reviewed) American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. November, 2013.
_Practical Peacemaking: Restorative justice approaches for families in community._Presentation at the International Institute for Islamic Studies in Qom, Iran. February, 2014.
Difficult Conversations Involving Major Trust Barriers An all day workshop for the Ethics Consultation Core Curriculum Practical Session at Bon Secours Health Care System in Richmond, Virgina, September 18, 2012.
More with less: Using a developing case study to teach informatics and epidemiology Peer review podium presentation at American Association of Colleges of Nursing Master’s Conference. March 1-3, 2012. San Antonio, TX.
_Scarcity results in strength: Degree collaboration and interprofessionality._Peer review podium presentation at American Association of Colleges of Nursing Master’s Conference. March 1-3, 2012. San Antonio, TX.
Nursing students’ partnership with Eritrean refugees Peer reviewed. Academic Community Partnerships roundtable presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. October 29 – November 2, 2011. Washington, DC.
Desert Sands to Mountain Snow: Nursing Students’ Partnership with Eritrean Refugees Presentation at Pi Mu Regional Scholarship Day, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, April 12,2011.
Cross Cultural Attachment: Elements Affecting the Student/Host Family Bond Breakout session presented with Don Clymer at the EMU Attachment Conference. April 1, 2011.
Water Availability and Access in Palestine: Public Health at Risk. Presentation at American Public Health Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA November, 2009
Do No Harm: Development and Mutual Learning in Cross Cultural Exchanges in Central America. (with Emma Mitchell). UVA School of Nursing International Forum. October, 2009
The Last Taboo: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Church. (With Jan Butcher and Pearl Hoover.) School for Leadership Training. Eastern Mennonite Seminary. January 2008.
Primary Health Care: Revival of the Alma Ata Declaration. Presentation at American Public Health Association annual meeting, Washington , DC. November, 2007
Collaboration between National NGOs and International Donors: Possibilities and Pitfalls. International Rural Development conference. Messiah College. February, 2007
Voices from the Field: Guided interview with Matt Gnagey in Banda Acheh, Indonesia. International Rural Development conference. Messiah College. February, 2007
Integrating Study Abroad into the General Education Curriculum.Council for International Education Exchange. Seville, Spain. November, 2005
_Partnership Challenges: Relationships among Health Organizations, Communities, and Donor Agencies_. Global Heath Council Annual Conference (peer reviewed). Washington, DC.June 3. 2005,
_Challenges in Education: Developing a Nursing Conceptual Framework Consistent with the Mission of a Christian University_. Co-presented with Arlene Wiens. Doctoral Alumni Scholarship Day, University of Virginia.March, 2005.
Four session series on Medical Ethics.Beldor Mennonite Church, Elkton, VA. July and August, 2005.
Planned and led Workshop for EMU Global Village Shared Curriculum Teaching Teams. August 2005.
A Sacred Covenant: Nursing in the context of Micah 6:8. Co-presented with Don Tyson. Mennonite Health Assembly, San Francisco, 2004.
Sharing the Journey: Faith based University/Community partnerships as a strategy to improve health.. Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Society Scholarship conference. James Madison University. April 2004.
Church, Community and Professional Service
Church/Church related service
2009-present. Chair, Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
2015 MCC Relief Sale Kickoff Dinner speaker. Harrisonburg Mennonite Church.
2015 Presentation Siblings as Friends Lindale Mennonite Church.
2015 Women’s Retreat Input. Early Church. Harrisonburg, VA
2015 Sermon. Early Church, Harrisonburg, VA
2014-15 Worship Leader: Early Church. Harrisonburg, VA
2014 Keynote speaker. Donor Banquet. Gift and Thrift. Harrisonburg, VA
2014 Approaches to Violence for Sunday School and Worship at Mt. Clinton Mennonite Church.
2014 MCC leaders tour to Iran
2014 MC USA “Kairos: Come and See” tour to Israel/Palestine.
2014 Presentation Iran and Palestine at Gift and Thrift volunteer banquet.
2013. Capitol Hill and State Department visits to advocate for cessation of military aid to Colombia.
2012 Sermon. Springdale Mennonite Church, Stuarts Draft, VA. May 26.
2012 MYF Sunday School Class (Immigration) Springdale Mennonite Church, May
2012 Sermon. Community Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, VA. January 15.
2009-2010. Member, Anabaptist Health Advocacy working group. Convened by MCC regarding Health Care Reform.
2006-2012. MCC Binational Executive Committee. Joint Board Team responsible for MCC New Wine, New Wineskins Re-visioning and reorganization completed in 2012.
2001-2010. Beldor Mennonite church . Member, SS teacher, Women’s Group leader.1996-2008. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) East Coast. Chairperson; Chaired Strategic Plan committee 2003-2005, Executive Director search 2006-07.
Local Community Service
2014 Presentation Reflections on Women Leaders around the World Women’s leadership gathering. Harrisonburg, VA.
2013-15 Member of task force for Community Health Promoter project (Harrisonburg Community Health Center, Public Health Department, Sentara RMH, Refugee Resettlement, JMU, Promotoras)
April 14, 2014. Presentation “A life of connecting with the poor” at New Community Place, Harrisonburg, VA.
2010. Director for for GrandAides community health worker grant funded project of EMU/Harrisonburg Community Health Center.
2009-10. Planning group member and grant reviewer for Health Care for the Homeless project in Harrisonburg. Start up date: January 2011.
2001-present. Harrisonburg Rockingham Health Community Council (HCC). 2002-2004 – Member of subcommittee to shape the indicators and determine follow-up for the Community Assessment; 2006- 2007. Present. Member of Summit planning committee and Health Access task force
Regional/National Professional Service
2015 Reviewed twenty two abstracts for the APHA Annual meeting for IH and PHN sections.
2015 Article review for Public Health Nursing.
2014 Book review for FA Davis: _ Health Promotion: Translating the Evidence into Practice._
2014 Reviewed (blind) two articles for Public Health Nursing
2005- present. Member of International Committee of the Public Health Nursing Section of the American Public Health Association. This group plans a major session for the annual APHA meeting.
2008. Pi Mu Chapter Nursing Honor Society. Vice President from EMU. Abstract review and selection, Co-Coordinated scholarship day.
2007. Culturally Competent Care. 3 hour workshops presented to Virginia State Public Health Department staff in Central Shenandoah District (Verona) and Lord Fairfax District (Winchester).
2007. Article reviewer for Meta analysis of child health studies for the Community Based Primary Care Special Interest Group of the American Public Health Association.
International Professional Service
2008. Program evaluation. Associación de Servicios de Cooperación Indigena- Mennonita. Paraguay.
2008. Facilitator. Appreciative Inquiry process(3 days- 25 people). MCC Latin America. Managua, Nicaragua.
2008. Facilitator. Appreciative Inquiry process (1 day- 80 people). MCC Binational staff. Akron, PA.
2000- 2007. Volunteer consultant with the School of Nursing at the Polytechnic University in Managua, Nicaragua relative to their research center, outreach clinic, and masters program.
1994, 2000. Program reviewer. MCC programs in Kenya, Honduras.
Honors, Awards and Grants
EMU summer Teaching/Research grants 2001, 2003, 2004,2008
Phyllis J. Verhonick dissertation Award for 2001, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Brodie Scholars Endowment Award, University of Virginia, October 2000.
John Horsh Mennonite History Essay contest, 1st place in Seminary or Graduate division for paper, “ Other ways in which we can serve: Mennonite nurses in World War II” . 2001.
Miller Erb Fund Study Grant, Mennonite Health Association, 1997-98, 1998-99.
First Place, Doctoral Nursing Student Poster, “Other Ways We Can Serve: Mennonite Nurses and World War II” American Public Health Association. Fall 1998.
Certifications and Licenses
Registered Nurse. Commonwealth of Virginia
CPR certified.
Professional Memberships
American Public Health Association
Christian Community Health Fellowship
Christian Connections for International Health
Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship
Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honor society
Professional Conferences Attended
2015 Pi Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau nursing honor society regional meeting Harrisonburg, VA
2014 Virginia Nurses Association Legislative Day, Richmond, VA
2014 Pi Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau nursing honor society regional meeting Harrisonburg, VA
2013 Virginia Nurses Association Legislative Dinner
2013 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Implementation of the ACA: What nurses need to know.
2013 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (November)
EMU Service
Graduate and Undergraduate adviser (20 students)
BMX Graduate Student research committee (1 student)
Humanitarian Action Leadership Proposal task force (chair)
Faculty Status Committee
Cross Cultural Committee
IEP Scholarship Committee
Max Villatoro Vigil. Speaker.
Search Committee: PXD Community Development position
Search Committee: CJP RJ position
Presentation _ Faith Mentoring_ Tuesday Luncheon
TGIW presentation with Jim Yoder. Faith and Vocation: Mentoring Students.
Flash Seminar. Doing good or harm in international medical care.
Honors Weekend Dinner with Applicants
ACRS Breakfast: Approaching the 2020 Centennial: MCC as a true binational partnership
Fall Faculty meeting Faith journey
Hosted several EMU nursing events at Hershberger Barn