Jonathan Swartz

Associate Dean of Students
Student Life
School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
LocationUniversity Commons 226
Phone(540) 432-4128
- BS, Bethel College (Psychology)
- MDIV, Eastern Mennonite Seminary
- MA, Eastern Mennonite University (Conflict Transformation)
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Jonathan is the Associate Dean of Students in Student Life and the Associate Director for the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA. Jonathan has taught courses as an adjunct professor at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding and in the Bible and Religion Department at EMU. Jonathan has been a guest lecturer in graduate and undergraduate courses in Restorative Justice.
Jonathan enjoys reading broadly (but mostly focused in the areas of abolition, restorative justice, transformative justice, and race/whiteness), relating deeply (he’s not really that great at small talk), laughing bodily (the abs need work!), riding windily (motorcycles are wonderful stress relief), and writing parenthetically (!).
Along with serving as a certified trainer/instructor for the Green Dot violence prevention program at EMU, Jonathan has planned and implemented workshops and trainings to prevent sexual harm. In addition, Jonathan has served as a trainer with EMU’s STAR (Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience) program - and has co-created and co-facilitated multi-day trainings on Restorative Justice, Trauma Awareness, and Resilience. Jonathan has created and facilitated workshops on Healing Harm and Repairing Relationships in Congregations and has introduced Restorative Justice theory and practice to students, faculty, and staff at Universities public and private, large and small.
Jonathan obtained his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Bethel College (Mishawaka, IN), a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary (2014) and a Masters in Conflict Transformation (MACT) degree from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University (2014)
Jonathan was EMU's Director of Residence Life, Student Accountability, and Restorative Justice from 2017-2022. Jonathan also served as EMU’s Restorative Justice Coordinator from 2014-2017. Jonathan has taught courses as an adjunct professor at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, the Bible and Religion Department, and the EMU Liberal Arts curriculum at EMU and has been a guest lecturer in graduate and undergraduate courses in Restorative Justice.
Jonathan obtained his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Bethel College (Mishawaka, IN), a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary (2014) and a Masters in Conflict Transformation (MACT) degree from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University (2014). During seminary and graduate school studies at EMU, Jonathan served as a Campus Ministries Intern and as Restorative Justice Facilitator/Assistant Resident Director in Residence Life. Before moving to Harrisonburg, VA in 2011, Jonathan spent 10 years in the construction industry, primarily building new homes in Northern Indiana.
Jonathan’s research, reading, and practitioner interests include theology and race/whiteness, restorative justice practice and theory – including/especially RJ and race, healing and reconciliation, gender and masculinity studies, and contemporary justice/peace movements.
Mission Statement
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Other Presentations
- Restorative Justice: 25 Years and a Worldwide Movement – presented at MCUSA Convention in Kansas City, MO – July 2015
- Concrete, Steel, and Paint Facilitation Team – presented documentary and discussion at NACRJ Conference in Toledo, OH, June 2013; Summer Peacebuilding Institute at EMU, summer 2013; Restorative Justice class at EMU, 2013; Virginia Mediation Network fall Training, 2013.
Professional Conferences Attended
- National Association of Community and Restorative Justice NACRJ Toledo, OH – 2013; Ft. Lauderdale, FL – 2015;
- RJ in Motion Eastern Mennonite University – 2016
Courses Taught
- ABP 201 – Ethics in the Way of Jesus FA 2014, FA 2016, SP 2017
- LARTS 281 – Student Life and Student Leadership FA 2017, FA 2018, FA 2019, FA 2020
- CORE 101 - Transitions FA 2017, FA 2019
- PAX 571 - Restorative Justice: Principles, Theories, and Applications Summer Peacebuilding Institute 2021 - Synchronous Online
- PAX 571 - Restorative Justice: Principles, Theories, and Applications FA 2022